Hello, Brothers

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Just want to start out by saying this is my first SPN fanfic, so I hope you guys like it!

Jericho, California

A black '67 Impala drove into the old, abandoned Welch House, a young man with short, dirty blonde hair running after it.

"Sam! Sam! You okay?" the man called as he hurried to the passenger's side of the car.

There was a pause, then a voice from within the car, Sam, replied with, "I think..."

The other man opened up the door, concern written on his face as he asked, "Can you move?"

Sam looked at the man briefly before saying, "Yeah. Help me?"

The blonde obliged, leaning over to give Sam a hand, pulling him out of the car and saying, "There you go." before proceeding to close the door. The men looked around, surveying the wreckage before spotting a rather ghastly looking woman holding a picture. The woman glared at them before throwing the picture down. With barely a thought, she sent a bureau towards them, pinning them to their car. The lights suddenly began to flicker, and a clear, sharp whistle sounded above the staircase as water began to pour down it. The woman made her way to the staircase, pausing as she saw a figure standing at the top, his face and body shadowed.

"'Sup, bitch?" the man spoke, a slight smirk in his voice as he snapped his fingers.

A boy and a girl instantly appeared in front of him, the same boy and girl from the photograph.

Holding hands, they spoke in unison, "You've come home to us, Mommy."

The children then vanish, reappearing instantly behind the woman and hugging her tightly. She began to scream, her body flickering as she did so. In a surge of energy, the woman and children melted into a puddle on the floor.

"Well, that wasn't grody or fucked up at all," the man on the stairs mused as he made his way down the steps.

The moonlight that shown through the numerous holes in the walls and ceilings finally illuminated the man as he made his way to the brothers, icy blue eyes glinting with mischief as a smirk played across his features. He brushed some curly jet black lochs off of his forehead as he made his way to the two still trapped by the dresser. Standing on one side, he effortlessly shoved the dresser, sending it crashing into a wall. The two men instantly raised their guns, pointing it at the man who merely raised an eyebrow in amusement at them.

"Really? I just saved your asses and you're going to wave your little toys at me? For one, that's just fucking rude. For two, I would appreciate it if you didn't shoot me. This is my favorite leather jacket, after all," the man tugged on said jacket as he eyed the guns with some mild irritation playing on his features.

The shorter man only held his gun up higher, pointing it between the man's eyes as he said, "No hard feelings, Danny. We can't exactly let a monster go free, you know how it is. What the hell are you anyway? Demon? Werewolf? Skinwalker?"

Danny tapped his chin, an expression of mock thought on his face as he replied with, "None of the above, Deano. I'm nothing like you've ever seen before, let's put it that way. Regardless of what I am, I come in peace." Danny took a moment to flash the Spock sign before continuing with, "I'm here to help. Heard through the grapevine that Johnny's hopped the crazy train to who-knows-where. Figured I'd show up and lend a hand to my bungling baby brothers. Speaking of, how ya been, Sammy? Having fun learning to be a blood sucking parasite?"

Sam and Dean exchanged a look before lowering their guns as Sam replied, with mild sarcasm, "A blast. How did you find us?"

"Been keeping tabs on you guys. I'm the big brother, it's my job to look after you two, especially when Papa Winchester fucks up and leaves you to fend for yourselves," Danny responded, locking his icy gaze onto Dean's warm green one.

Hello, Brothers {A Supernatural fanfic} Season 1Where stories live. Discover now