Mom has arrived!

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Shiro's POV

I realised his body was over mine and his face moved closer, I tried not to panick. His breath smelled of mint and he smiled slightly. My head decided to stumble over the thought of how handsome he was. He moved his hand towards my head and held my hair softly. "W-what are you doing?" I asked. He just smiled, a little bit devilish. "Ka-Kaoru?" I asked, my voice shaking. I moved my head to the side as I tried to free my hands, which he held over my head, using one hand.

He was pretty strong, or maybe it was just the fact that im pretty weak, Kuroko has always been the stronger one. I could hear my heart go 'ba bomp, ba bomp, ba bomp...' I've never liked that sound. As I closed my eyes I felt his grip soften and a pair of lips on mine. He sat back down on the chair, as if nothing had happend.

"W-w- what was that?" I stammerd. He blushed, and I went bright red. "Uhm, well...I...ehh-" he stopped as the door flew open and Hikaru raced in and dragged his Brother back out. I sat there stunned looking after them. It happend relly fast, i didn't know it was possible to move that fast? I sat there in bed, trying to hear what they were talking about. I heard Hikaru gasp, then I saw him peek in the door, but acted as if I didn't notice. Since that probably would make something akward...or more akward.

"Wha- what?" Kauro whisperd as Hikaru pushed him into the room and sat down on another chair. I Looked at them, wondering what kind of trick they were planning. I figured i'd ask, but they just sat there smiling evily at me. I felt a creep run up my back, as I thought of what they might do. Just then for compleatly unknown reasons my mother was standing in the door opening. I felt tears come to my eyes and quickly hid under the blanket. I couldn't hear the twins, but I guessed they were confused. I heard the clicking of her high heels as she walked closer. I felt her long claws drag my blanket away from my face, and I heard her call for two of Our buttlers. and soon I was moved from the hospital, With no right to refuse.

I didn't want to look at the twins faces, so I simply closed my eyes, trying not to cry. As I was put in the car I saw two other buttlers carry out Kuroko. And as the doors closed I saw Hikaru and Kaoru run out from the main enterence. Hikaru was spelling quickly into the phone as he ran towards my mother. I saw Kauro look at me, I was almost certian what was going to happen, and couldent bear to look at his face.

I saw four cars stop infront of the hospital as we turned a corner. I could guess who would be in those cars. But it was to late. My mother was gone take me home. She had warned me that if we ever ran away agen, she would never let me of our property.

We kept driving down the street when one of the butlers got a call, he answeard imidietly. I diden't pay attention, but suddently he told the car to stop. So we did. The car stopped at a empty buss stop. And the other one stopped beside us. As The butler opend the door he told me he would escort me to the other car. I nodded quietly, feeling defeted. I walked slowly out of the car. The butler walked behind me, Even thought I knew he wanted to go faster, I walked slowly. I knew it wasent coming, but somehow I felt that if I could just have a little more time, someone would save me.

I was so close to the car door. Where my mom was. I devided this would be a good time to try escape. I leaped toward the door. As my foot conected with te ground agen I turned and closed the door as hard as I could and ran towards the sideway. I felt the adrenaline rush through my body as my heart beat increased. My legs moved uneblivebly fast. I heard heavy but fast steps behind me. The grew closer. The small fence came closer. "Now or never...!" I shouted te lest word as I jumped, high as I could and landed on the other side. I couldent hear the Butler anymore. And it was as if i had wings. My legs flew over the forest, i felt free. For the first time in so many years. The wind, the sounds, the feeling of forest ground under my bare feet! Even throught it was a bit cold. I diden't cear. i just kept running. I diden't want to marry some unknown guy, just for my mothers sake! I would rather live my whole life out here! In the forest. My sister had promissed me it was okay if I ran away. She understood my situation and my feelings. I was so glad to have a sister like her.

I would miss her very much, if I stayed here...could I bear that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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