The Host Club has arrived!

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Shiro's POV

I felt my eyes open slightly. The only thing I remeberd was that me and Kuroko was walking to our first day on the new school, thought I also had a faint memory of a black car, driving at full speed. I lifted my hand, or tried to lift my hand. But i felt incredebly heavy, I opend my eyes slightly looking towards my arm. It was cover in bandeges. My eyes widend slowly, as I tried to take in all this. It was alot to take in at once.

I looked around and saw another bed, with another person. I felt my yaw drop open as I saw Kuroko laying there, a plate of food on the small table beside her. It seemed to have been food on it, so she was okay then? Then I turned my head to the left and spotted two chair, in one of them sat a boy with orange hair. His head resting on his arm. I could not help but giggle, he looked so adoreble.

"Hmh Cute...!" I said quickly with a laough. Suddently his eyes opend and I blushed, as he saw me blush he blushed to.

"Uhm...well..." He seemed to be blaming himself for me being here. I just looked at him a moment. Then laying my head back down on the pillow.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, well you see my name is Kaoru. Kaoru Hitachiin." He stretched out his hand to shake mine, but since my right arm was all tied up in bandages I ended up shaking his hand with my left hand instead.

"...So, what are you doing here? Uhm, or rather what am I doing here? I mean, I can see I got hurt but...uhm...well." He looked down at his hands as I asked.

"Well you my driver kinda...hit you with the car. It was by accident! I SWEAR!" First I was surprised, but then I started laughing, I had no idea why, but he was just so adoreble. I looked at him, his face was confused. Just as I was about to apologize for laughing the door smased open and six boys fell into the room. I looked amused at them, even thought I had no idea who they were it was hard not to laough at them. The way they were spread all around the floor was just too funny.

I heard Kuroko hold back her laughter. I did the same, thought it was really hard. The boys all stood up, almost at the same time. Now I could see how tall they were and what they looked like...when not laying on the floor. They were actually reall handsome, except for that one of them wasent a boy. I looked closely at that one.

"..." I couldn't say that, I mean, that would be rude.

One of them was really tall, with black hair and a handsome face, with a serious look on it. There was a small boy with blond hair clinging to his shoulder looking really happy, even thought he was in a hospital. A cute guy with glasses who smiled softly at us as he drushed off some dust from his clothes. And a princely blond-haired really handsome guy. And another boy, he looked just like Koaru . And suddently I realised they were all wearing the Ouran- boy uniform. I gasped.

Kuroko seemed to have noticed as well. She looked at me and we smiled the 'So adoreble' smile at each other. The boy looking just like Kaoru went over to Kuroko and sat down on the chair beside the bed. He quickly gave her a juice. She smiled and thanked him. The blond, princely boy hurried outside and only second later he came back with more chairs, for all of them.

And pretty soon they were all sitting around us in a circle. And talking to each other about what happend. Suddenly the two twins were laughing and having fun with their friends. Me and Kuroko had no idea who they were and just sat there, a bit stunned, looking at each other. Suddenly the blond guy, the princely one, stood up and bowed down before us.

"Im so sorry to intrude you, my name is Tamaki" He said with the most charming smile ever. It was as if my eyes were filled with stars for a moment, I shook my head quickly. He was probably a ladies man, with looks like that! And it seemed as if I was right, because soon after her bowed down infront of us, presenting; 'The Ouran High School Host Club'


Yes, okay guys, I know it short and all. So in return i'll hurry up with the next chapter! <33

And I dont think i fixed the spellingmistakes this time either...

Otaku's dream-Ouren High School host Club edition ^^Where stories live. Discover now