FOURTH MISTAKE: Setting up traps

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Jairus's POV

I can still remember while I was so hopeful to become a part of the secret agency. I was fifteen at that time when I was sent to the Netherlands by my own Uncle to apply there for what they call a scholarship. Since my parents had already died because of a tragic car accident that happened during the Christmas season back when I was still nine, my Uncle Andrew Morgan had taken all the responsibility of taking good care of me. He lived in Germany but would take time to fly to Chicago just to visit me until the day of the scholarship interview came. He took care of all the papers for me and paid for my trip to the Netherlands. He said that it was the main branch of the company he was working for. 

At first, I couldn't believe that my Uncle had been a secret agent all this time. He has been one of the persons that I look up to. That is why there is no reason for me not to take the opportunity to apply for the scholarship.

"I can see that you have the potential, J." Uncle Andrew saying. He gave me that nickname 'J'.

"Thanks, Uncle." that made me smile for the first time after all that happened to my family.

Though he is a close relative to me, I never had the chance to meet Uncle's family back there in Germany.



[At the office - for the interview]

By the time that I arrived at the office, I found at least 20 people around my age, maybe higher or a little bit lower. Chairs were lined up and we stayed there until our names are being called.

I scanned the place. I found an empty seat next to a girl. She palmed her face. I couldn't figure out why. Maybe she's crying? maybe not. After how many seconds, she put her palms down and turned to my direction. I swear, I have never seen such a pretty face. Do you know that feeling when your heart forgets to beat? I know it is so unusual but I couldn't help myself but stare at her.

I look like a total idiot, but I would rather be an idiot and look at her every second.

"Uhm, is there any problem?" 

"??? No, of course there isn't." -____- caught in the act.

...wew, I swear that that was the longest five minutes of my life that I would rather make it forever.

and to jump to the real part, the interviewing part, I successfully made it.

I got a call from Uncle Andrew and told me that I was one of the chosen applicants, and that there were only five of us. Then the next day, we had a short meeting with the headmaster together with the other three new scholars. There was one who was absent or something for some reasons the headmaster couldn't reveal to the four of us present. I wondered whether that girl I can't take my eyes off was that one person who missed the meeting or maybe someone else. But I'm praying that I'd be able to see her again.



I am now at New York University. Off for another mission here. I was assigned to tag along with the Mafia kiddos. 

Recently this morning, I was given by the agency the names of those cool kids including their full profiles. I did my best to sort the crowds out as I made my way into the university. Later, I found those bunch of Mafia kiddos hanging around each other. Bingo! I found the three of them, no more, no less. I didn't hesitate to move. I walked my way towards them and acted like I am one of them. I have been going to the gym because of this mission. Now, I look more like "The Rock" but my brown hair seems to preserve my angelic aura. I don't want to act like I am one of the bad guys because I am not, but this is what I should do. I could never do away with the agency.

"Wazzup, dude?" yea, that's me.

Kid1: Hey, smokin weed dude.

Kid2: Gotta go look for some hot chicks in there.

Kid3: C'mon.

Now, I'm in the club. Wow.

We started walking straight, never looking at anyone we come across with at the university.


"Aw! Ou-ouuch!" DAMN! I stepped on a lady's foot. I am badly sorry but I have to keep my image around these kiddos.

"Get out of my way, curly!" I exclaimed.

Right when she turned to face me, I almost regret having treated her that way.

She was that little girl I saw during the interview. Her blonde hair, the curls. She looks even more dazzling. I am so sorry for myself. I can't fathom the fact that she's here.

..Why is she here by the way? I met her in the Netherlands. How come? I mean, is it destiny?

Damn this freaky thought. GET OFF MY HEAD!

I don't have any business to do on why she has gone off to New York just to study, but it's an advantage to me because I would get to see her everyday. Prayers can be heard, really.

"Okay, okaaay."  she said as she put her right arm up in the air like she's being hold-upped.

While the other hand, the left one, is entangled to her right foot.

Though she looks so stupid in that, my heart still forgets to beat at the thought of seeing her.

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