FIRST MISTAKE: Saying those words

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The door creeked open.

There was no one there except for this hot guy banging his head on the chalkboard.

He was wearing a dark grey shirt with a black jeans. His body is well-built. I can see it well from his head down to his shoulders, his chest, his abdomen and down to his legs.

He has a flaming reddish brown hair that's pointing in every direction. It was a little bit messy but he totally looks good with it.

Is he crazy or something?

It's not supposed to be on the chalkboard.

I'd suggest him to bang his head on the wall. More effective. HAHA, um not funny. Sorry.

So, am I too early for this one-man class?

*clears throat*

"Excuse me? Is this the freshman's room?" me

I think he didn't even know I'm standing next to him. How weird of this guy. Numb, tsk.

Do I need to shout in his ear?! gaaaad. This is ridiculous!

Okay, No choice here.

*clears throat again, even louder*



WOW. Counting.. 28, 29, 30 -----

He stopped his business on the head-bang-board thingy.

"What?" numb guy

I just couldn't help myself from bursting out because my irritation was already stirred up earlier by that random giant guy. I don't wanna think of his face even. It makes me wanna throwout.


"Shut up. Who are you?" guy

How dare he to tell me to shut up?

He's not being attentive!

Andy, just relax. Be the nerdy girl you've been told to be.

"HEY! You're not answering my question!"

He's crazy. He just told me to shut up so I did.

"You told me to shut up."

"Huh, clever." he said with a jerky smirk.

The hell with this guy.

"Ha-Ha. Whatever." I said as I lay my things on a chair one meter apart from me.

"So, who are you then?"

"I'm not in your league, dude. No need to know. I'm not your type." as I crossed my arms on my chest.

"It's a good thing that you know you're not my type. By the way, I'm Andre Morgan."

He extends a hand to me.

"I'm not your type so I'm not shaking hands with you, Andre."

haha, you're not my type either.

He just shrugged and rushed his way out passing by me.

I turned around in a bit.

"Hey, where are you going? Aren't we having our class yet?" me

"I'm heading to somewhere private. Wanna go with me, huh? (sarcastic way)"

"N-no, of course not! I'm staying." Wow, did I just stutter in front of that jerk?

Then, he turned his back to me and walked towards the right wing of the building.

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