FIFTH MISTAKE: Launching a rocket

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Alex's POV

Long before, I already knew that the agency would come a long way just to get the two of us to work for it. Connections, as we call it, are more than what anyone can ever think of. From the time my dad got a problem in that multinational company, somebody has been eyeing on us. I couldn't explain how but we just ended up here. I once tried to escape from it, but a threat from that multinational company (which I believe is just a replica of what is really in it, I mean it seems like this secret agency has a really strong hold over that company) got me no choice.

If you'll try to think of it, it's really complicated. It was like becoming framed up to apply for that scholarship just to save my father's job. It's ridiculous but I don't want my dad to look down on himself, much more letting him know about Andy and I being into a secret agency.

Andy has no idea either that I myself is a part of that scholarship she was so happy about.

In some way, dad's problem in the office made her think to look for a scholarship. I know her so well. Andy cares so much about our family to the point of letting herself do what is beyond expected. And now, I do not know what this secret agency has been up to. I don't know where the other 3 scholars are.

I can clearly recall the set-up that we had during the meeting with the headmaster. It was just so confusing having myself told by some Mr. Morgan over the phone that there are only 5 of us yet only four showed up. I didn't see Andy. I knew back then that she got her scholarship, but I was still wondering why she was not there.

The sad part is that I haven't seen her mature. I was sent to New York City right when I was about to be a college freshman, just like now, yknow how that agency sent Andy to this university with still the same protocol. She is in her first year. I am worried about the mission. It would sooner become very dangerous.


Now, I can't believe my eyes. I just saw Andy coming towards me and...she is with somebody.

She looks happy.

"ALEEEEEXX!" there she goes

I knew she was there but I can't get away with the thought about the agency.

"HEEEYY ANDYYY!" I called out back.

"I missed you so much, Andy." God knows how much I missed her.

"Yea, I guess I missed you too." Andy, still like before, hugs me with her whole heart.

There was a short span of somewahat silence between us. I almost didn't recognize that somebody's presence.

"Oh yes, before you go Alex. I would like you to meet Andre." Andy broke the silence. Yes, how could I forget about Andre Morgan.

I decided to act as if I don't have any clue about this person. I don't trust him. I just don't. Ever since that meeting, I know for a fact that I just couldn't trust this person.

I shoved the bad thought away.

"Alex Stark, Andy's brother." I held out my hand and he gladly took it.

"Andre. Andre Morgan. I'm your sister's boyfriend." Right there. I know him, but I didn't know that he's Andy's boyfriend. Such a ridiculous show here.

"Oh really? Andy didn't speak about the two of you. So surprising." I sounded so rough, i know.

"I'm so sorry about that, Alex." It was Andre who said that.

Andy felt sorry about me not knowing any of this. I know that face wherein she tries to bite her lower lip. I don't really know how to react on it, but I am trying to be cool about it.

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