21.Getting Back To Him

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Nanami's POV:
'Today is the day we all escape this place... Every girl and boy is leaving with me as their leader.' I let down my long hair from a bun so it could hang to my hips.

I grab the map of the jail house and shove it into my pocket. We all wait until noon and the officers unlock our cells. We all walk out in a two straight lines and make our way to the lunch hall.

I look over to the second line and they nod their heads. I slide into an empty hall while no one is watching and make my way into the security camera room. The two men inside look back at me and start shouting for the guards. I punch one across the face and kick the other in his man parts. They try getting up but I quickly flip them over and both of them yell in pain.

'I need to buy some time for the group to escape!' I look at the lunch room's camera. The first line gets their food trays and sit down while the second line gets their food trays and sit across from them.

"Wait a second..." One officer shouts "Where's Momo-zono?!"

The officers look at each other in shock and run out to try and find me, leaving one man to take care of all 15 prisoners. I start to quickly hack into the computer and make the doors unlock, put all other security systems down, and cut off the walkie talkie line.

I look back over to see my cell neighbor looking at the camera and I press the alarm as a signal. I press down on the microphone button and tune it just right so I can get a signal.

"Come and get me officers, I'm playing hide and seek!" I shout loudly.

I watch all the prisoners take over the one officer, tying him up to one of the table. Group B makes a run for the back door, group C the side door, group A makes their way out the windows surrounding as guards rush in the lunch hall and try taking them back. I look over to the hall cameras to see the officers making their way to the room I'm in. I get onto of the desk and push open the air duct door.

I grab onto the edges and hoist myself up into the vents. I close the air duct door, starting to crawl forwards. I take the map out to find a way out. 'If I take right then left then all the way forwards I'll end up in the garbage shoot! That's outside the lunch hall!!' I smirk and crawl in the directions I need. All of a sudden something stabs into the steel in front of me, causing me to gasp.

"She's in the air vents!" A guard shouts.

'Dammit....' I quickly crawl as they continue to stab at random. Once I have the garbage shoot in sight I feel something stab me in the palm of my hand. I shout in pain and raise my hand to my face to see blood running.

"Hurry outside! The other prisoners are out there too." Another guard shouts.

I slide down the garbage shoot, ignoring my injury, and land in a pile of trash bags. I look up to see my cell mates waiting there for me. I get up and we all start making a run for the gate.

'I've waited so long for this... 4 years of being tortured, my fingers nails pulled off, chained up to starve, cut deeply with a hot whip, sexually harassed lots of times, and beaten up, all for wanting to escape this place. Well today I'm all healed up, well fit to take down any of these guards, and I have my cell mates this time to help.'

"We're going up and over people!" I shout and point at the fence.

One guy kicks a hole into it and we all slip through, the guards right on our tail. We take a few turns, go through some hurdles, and they back us up at the last really tall fence.

My High-School Crush {Nanami X Tomoe Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now