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great. just great, i thought. i left my phone in my bag, again.

"hey dad, i'm gonna go grab my phone from the car," i called into the new house.

"okay, don't take too long though, you have to start unpacking your stuff, we're being up with laury and eli later tonight. she said she cooked up dinner and wanted to celebrate our arrival back here in brooke," he called back.

shit. that's not enough time for me to catch up with nik.

"fine, i'll be at the park if you need me then," i answered.

"ok, have fun," he finished.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"make sure the kitchen is cleaned up, eli. laney and her father are coming later tonight for dinner," mom called out.

i almost choked on my drink. "wait, what?! mom, they just barely got here, let them settle in at least today, why not move it to tomorrow?" i suggested.

"laney's father said it was fine, so we're having it tonight. now go and clean up, mr. nervous," she said with a wink.

i felt my cheeks heat up. "whatever," I mumbled.

about 20 minutes into my focused cleaning, i looked out the window facing the neighborhood pond and park.

as soon as my eyes fixed to how much light i was seeing, i saw her.

laney cross.

my heart skipped a beat; she's really grown up since we last talked.

her long brown hair is still just as long, her mesmerizing green eyes, you can still get lost in those things. and her lips. God, they were so pink, rosebuds could never compete.

she looked to be on the phone with someone, a friend maybe?

i decided to go out and meet with her really quick.

"mom, I'm gonna go talk to laney, see how things are going," i said, putting on my nirvana hoodie. "ok, don't be too long, we still have to finish cleaning later," she called back.

i walked out and started heading towards the park.

as i got close, i heard her voice. "nik, no. i'm fine baby."

baby? i thought. who the fuck is nik? i swear i'll beat him to a pulp if he's been anywhere near laney in that way, i cursed.

she was still speaking to him when i snapped out of my thoughts. "nikolai, babe, everything is okay. i'm here in town, we're getting everything unpacked, we're fine. matthew doing okay? ...that's good to hear. ...well, i'll call you later babe, i have to head back to the house to finish unpacking my things. i'll call as soon as i'm able to. you more. ...bye." she hung up and started walking back to her house.

i'm too late.

not only that, but she's found someone else.


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