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I reach school today with mum as I missed the bus because I was to busy doing my hair and make up. I then had to walk into school alone as neither Reid or my friends where at the gate. Gracefully I float in my 4inch stilettos across the quad knowing quiet well I'm turning heads and all eyes are on me. I walk into the senior area and everyone stops and looks at me I see Reid but his back is to me I strut my way across as the other boys wolf whistle at me. Shouting things like "sexy" "nice legs". My mates are all looking past Reid smiling which obviously is annoying him he finally turns around just before I reach him. His mouth drops open far enough a bird could fit in there comfortably.
"Holy Fuck" he manages to say.
I push myself up against him wrapping my arms around his neck before kissing him with exploding passion toungue and all in front of everyone while his hands travel south toward my arse giving it a firm squeeze which makes me gasp. After my little show we take a seat at our table in which he turns to me and says
"What was that"
"What was what?"
"That little head turning performance"
"I wasn't aware of any preformance".
I smile cheekishly.
We talk and laugh until first bell goes for roll call. We stand and say our goodbyes as me and Reid walk to my roll call still aware I'm turning heads even teachers now. Reid slips his hand around my waist as if to say she's mine. We stop outside my my room and he kisses me tender and says to me "bye cutie".
He turns around and begins to walk away when over the P.A. system comes a deep huski voice
"Charlie Kavanagh to the principle office promptly".
Reid turns back to me looking at me confused. I feel all color drain from my face, and shrug walking head down towards the office.


I head to the principles office quickly and nervously as I have no idea what's going on.
I knock timidly on the door.

knock knock

"Come in".
"Oh Miss Kavanagh please take a seat".
I walk over to the plump brown leather seat. I take a seat and begin to look around as well I have never been in here before. As I glance around I don't see much besides another plump brown leather seat the over sized oiled hardwood desk but something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention its off to my left in a room of the office I'm currently seated in. Something or someone is moving around in there. I get a glance of a girl not much older than myself actually maybe 14 or 15 wearing.......
Omg she's wearing fish net stocking flowing up to lace panties and bra. As if that wasn't werid enough for me it looks as if she is chained. Mr Robin walks briskly over to the door and shuts it after noticing me staring.
"So Miss Kavanagh I guess you know why I have called you here today".

"No sir"

"You have been a very naughty girl haven't you?"


"You have been skipping classes yes?"

"No sir"

"Miss Kavanagh don't lie to me I have been watching you"

"Oh yes sir"

So I will ask you again. Have you been skipping class?"

"Yes" I manage to say quite shamelessly.

"So you have been a bad bad girl"

My head droops lower.

" don't be like that Charlie your off on a warning but if you keep being naughty and wearing turn on worthy clothes like that I might just have to punish you". He says Grinning like the devil with intentions.

"Sorry sir"

"Your free to go"

"Thank you sir"

As rush towards the door and I could of sworn I heard Mr Robin mumble " that fucking whore turns me on",under his breath but I could be sure I hurry out of the office down the corridor to the bathroom tears streaming down my face.


I finally pull my self together by the end of the period to go to lunch. I walk towards the boys and take a seat saying hello but as I do so I notice that Reid is not among them. I ask where he us and the look at each other worried. Finally one of them replies " he had some business to attend to". Looking warily at the others.

Any change in opinion in characters? Hope all are enjoying. 😊

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