Chapter 13

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-skip after school-

"(Y/n)" he called my name and approached me. "I love you" he says and kiss my forehead. After that all of them left and I went inside my house. I sat on the sofa and leaned my head. Suddenly, I received a message from someone. I unclock my lockscreen and read the message.

From : Suga💕

You should take you bath before doing all the homework that the teacher ask us to do. After that , you should rest and don't think about what happened today, okay? Saranghae...

I smile and replied to his message.

To : Suga💕

Arasso my sugar💞haha..

After that, I take my bath and do my homework as what Suga told me to do. After I've done my homework, I decided to watch TV. My eyes are getting tired and I fall asleep.


-It's Saturday morning-
I open my eyes and looked at the TV and someone have switched it off. I also have a comforter on top of me. I remember that I didn't turn off the TV yesterday or wearing any comforter. I heard many people were laughing at the kitchen. Someone hugged me from behind and I scream while struggling to escape.

"Hey..calm down"
I knew that voice. It was Suga.
"What ha........" Jk couldn't finished his sentences and says "sorry, wrong timing. Mianhae" then he go to the kitchen again.

"I thought it was a thief and that's why I screamed just now"
"We didn't want to wake you up just now. So, we decided to let you continue your sleep" he said and hugged me tightly.
"Yah! Can you stop hugging me now? I want to take a bath now. I'm sweaty and smelly." I said and he just chuckle and removed his hand.

When I've finished shower I go downstair and the rest of them are already waiting for me at the kitchen.
"Okay, she's already here. So.......can we eat now...?" Jk and V asks while making their bunny eyes.
"Ofc" I said and have a seat next to Suga.

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