Chapter 18

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After one week in the hospital, doctor says that Suga can go back home. We pack all his things together and leave. But before we leave, RM asks us to wait for him because he have to pay the bill.

" I think I should go back to my own house first" I said and look at them.
"Yea. I think I should go with (y/n).   All my belongings are in her house ." Jiwoo said and stand next to me.
"Both of you should have a rest" Jin said and the rest just keep quiet.

Before I leave I approached Suga and take his hand.
"You should take care of yourself. Don't forget to eat your medicine okay?" I said to him

Jiwoo and I started walking to my house. After we reach the front door of my house, I looked at the 7 of them and waved at them. Jiwoo and me went inside the house. Both of us go upstair and go inside the room. We placed our things behind the bed and went to bed. Jiwoo sighed and closed her eyes and said "(y/n), we should sleep first."
I didn't answers as I was so tired.

When I wake up, I grabbed my phone. I want to know what time it is now. It was 5:45 and Jiwoo is still sleeping. I have 5 message from Suga and 11 miscall from him.

what are you doing now

Yah (y/n)? Where are you ? Why didn't you reply my messages.

I called you for the eleventh times but you didn't answer.

I think maybe you're asleep.

"Message to me if you've wake up

I just smile and reply to his messages.

To : Suga❤

Mianhae..I was sleeping just now. Don't forget to eat your medicine okay?

A few minutes later, he reply

From : Suga❤

Ara..annyeong sweetheart❤

I just smile when I read the message. After that, I stand up from the bed and decided to take a bath. I grabbed my towel and go inside the bathroom. After taking my bath, I wake Jiwoo up and ask her to take a bath.

While waiting for Jiwoo done taking a shower, I went to the kitchen and cook food to take to their homes. I keep all the food into containers and store them in a bag that I have prepared. After Jiwoo finished showering, I told him that I and she will spend the night in their homes.

Jiwoo with me walking together towards their home. I knocked the door of their house. V opened the door and invited me and Jiwoo to enter. V told Jiwoo and me to sit on the sofa. V told me that the rest was asleep while he, JK and Jimin was watching television.

I went to the kitchen to prepare food that I cooked just now.
"(Y / n), do you need help?" Jimin said and stood beside me. I nodded my head. After Jimin and I finished preparing the food, I told Jimin that I want to go to Suga room. Jimin prohibit me and asked me to wait outside in advance. Jimin went inside the room and brought out Jin from the room. Jin is still in a semi-conscious and looking at the situation, I try to hold back laughter. After that I went into the room.

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