The blue fairy

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I fly through the air at rocket speed towards the evil creature. As I get closer I brace myself for when she decides to use her magic on me. She lifts her hand but I collide with her right at the moment where she starts to use her powers. I swing blindly at the woman trying to hurt her. She starts screaming and her screams are so high pitched and loud I roll of her and curl up into a ball. I press my hands against my ears trying to block out the awful noise. My head is pounding and my ears start to bleed. Suddenly the witch stops screaming and looks down at me curled up in a ball on the floor. She begins to cackle "did you really think you could beat me that easily? I think I might kill you now." "go ahead" I say "at least I will die trying to defeat evil." "say your last words before I kill you." "good always defeats evil" I whisper. The witch points her hand at me mutters a few words then everything goes black once again. I slowly wake up and realize I've been swept up onto shore. I remember the witch going to kill me so why am I still alive? The witch mer must of thought I was dead if she left my body here on land. I turn into a human and get up slowly, once I'm up I take a few wobbly steps then fall over. I guess I'm not used to walking since I've been a mermaid for the past while. I start walking then realize I'm lost after the third time I pass the same tree. How long was I a mermaid? I can't get the question out of my mind. "Things can't get any worse" I yell, then it begins to rain. "Come on is that all you've got" I scream at the sky. Then a lightning bolt hits a tree very close to me which catches on fire and I run away screaming. I don't know where I'm going I just need to get away from here. "If you want to find your friends your going the wrong way." A voice whispers in my ear, I'm so surprised I stumble but don't fall. "Whose there?" I ask, I look around and see a very small lady with wings. I hold back a scream "are you a fairy?" I ask afraid. "Yes in fact I am the most powerful fairy around, I'm known as the blue fairy." "Oh" is all I can manage to mutter back. "You must be wondering how you survived the witches power am I right? You must also be wondering where you are and how you are going to get back to Jace, Finnick and Elina if I'm correct?" The blue fairy asks "how did you know?" "I am a fairy I know all. Plus it helps that I'm the fairy queen!" She exclaims "so are you going to tell me how I survived the witch or not?" I say "I'm not sure do you think I should?" The blue fairy giggles "if you aren't going to give me a straight answer I think it would be best if we went our separate ways. Goodbye fairy it was so... Interesting to meet you." I say getting very annoyed. "Stop mrs.impatient I will tell you but you'll be very surprised." "Well then tell me already" I cry "ok well let's see you are the most powerful creature on earth. Your mother is the leader of the shape shifters and your father can control all 4 elements, usually you can only control one if that. You will need proper training to help you control your powers and I have a guide to aide you. You can not be killed by a killing spell to die you must eat or touch the most poisonous plant in the world which is very rare. But you are not immortal so you can die from old age as well. Anyway let me introduce you to your guide or should I say guides." 4 people come out from some bushes behind me and when I recognize who three of them are I'm hardly surprised the 3 that I know are Jace, Finnick and Elina. "Let me introduce you Jace can control fire, Finnick water, Elina wind and Meela earth. Plus Jace and Finnick are shifters." I'm very shocked by all this information and it takes me a few minutes to take it all in. "Hello Jace, Finnick and Elina" I say softly I can't look at them because I know that Jace and Elina will give me hurt looks and Finnick will glare. "I'm sorry" I whisper. Then Elina comes and gives me a bear hug "it's okay we forgive you" she says with a grin. Jace comes and gives me a hug as well "I thought we had lost you forever" he whispers and I know he doesn't just mean that he thought I was lost. Finally Finnick comes up to me and I prepare myself for him to threaten me but instead he hugs me to "I guess I've found away into your heart?" I ask with a grin "don't think we are friends now, let's say acquaintances for now little sister" he grins back. I give him a confused look, did he just call me little sister?


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