the story of us

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hey guys im making a new story plz read it it gets better and better and if you want tell me if you want to be in the chapter and what I can do to make it better thank you guys hope you like it ~B@ca_b@con

*alex's p.o.v*

it was 1:00 am , and I coulnt understand what sarah said at the end of our conversation "alex its ok, I mean you never liked her anyway , llo te amo alex"that was the last thing she said then she hung up , I wanted to look it up but she said it too fast for me to understand what she was trying to state.and the I thought "shes right I never liked her, but what did she say before she hung up, ill ask her tomorrow. " *bzzzzzzz,bzzzzzzz,bzzzzzzzz* "who could it be now its freaking 1:00 in the morning "

I look at my phone and it states that is a call from ohhh baby .When I answer the phone

jessie:"heyyyy doood " she said with a funny voice

me: *smirk*" jessie its one am ,why are you calling me"

jessie:"cuz I can , well I have a surprise for you tomorrow make sure you come to school, bye see you later  "

me:"yeah see you in about six hours" I said in a grumpy voice, and the yawned. (end of call)

I still remember the first day I met Jessie in third grade


jessie:hi, wanna be friends

me:ohhhh baby , sure


me:want a cookie

jessie:ohhh baby

and we both laughed.

                                                                                                                             *end of flashback*

it wasn't like a soap opera where we gazed into each others eyes , held hands and ran into the sunset while farting raimbows ,it was normal I liked it. (what kind of operas do I watch lol)

*sarah's p.o.v*

" I feel so stupid why did I do that, I just hope he dint hear me" I screamed at my self

sarah 1: hahahaha he's never gonna like you

sarah 2 :sarah is right you know

sarah 1:go kill yourself I'll only make things easier

sarah 2: just grab the razor, thats all it takes

"would you two shut up"! I said while crying

ten minutes later I stood up and whiped a tear of my cheek

"you guys are right" I thought

I went over to the bathroom and grabbed the silver colored object and looked at my wrist

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