the story of us

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hey guys soo I just got done playing and im done with everything so I posted this part today

thanks for reading from ~b@c@_b@con =baca_bacon

*sarah's p.o.v*

I grabbed the razor and counted the cuts "1...2...3...4...5...6 while holding in the pain, I looked at my arms there was blood all over them , them suddenly everything went black.

*alex's p.o.v*

I woke up when I felt someone jumping on me

"what are you doing tywona" I said while pushing my self up "nothing" she said while giggling

then I noticed I only had underwear on "you should really stop coming in here,your 15,grow up already"i said while putting my jeans on

she smiled evilly and left the room.

after that I texted sarah if she wanted to meet up later and grab some Starbucks.

*sarah's p.o.v*

I woke up scared thinking I was dead,then the voices came back.

sarah 1:come on just one more cut

sarah 2:on the vanes , you know you dont wanna live

sarah 1:your life is pathetic, come on do it

sarah 2:alex only sees you as a friend, Im not even sure he thinks your he's friend

I sniffled and grabed the razor , I held my breath and got ready *bzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz,bzzzzzz*

I heard my phone go off and recognized the ring tone it was alex!

I droped the razor and went over to the counter and read the message

alex: hey wanna meet up later and grab some Starbucks! 8) <3 friend love hahahaha well c u later.

when I read it I fell out of my trance and forgot about the voices I felt so warm It felt like he cared about me I quickly replied

sure ill see you after school. :) <3 friendly love lol

*shit* I thought theres school today I hurried and got dressed

*tywina's p.o.v*

*my brothe is so stupid* I thoight while I went to my room

I hooked my phone to my computer and started blogging

"hey guys it tywina here bringing you another episode, well you guys have always been asking me to do this and here you go, well I hope you guys have a great day sorry for the short video,  but hey you got to see my brother in his underwear bye dooooods". I stop blogging and *sighed hes soo cute* I thought I grabbed my book bag and left

*alex's p.o.v*

when I was brushing my hair I got a message from sarah

sarah: sure ill see you after school. :) <3 friendly love lol

I laughed and grabbed my bookbag and left.

when I was getting on the bus I said "why does it feel like this ride is never gonna end"

"cuz is not" I heard a peculiar voice behind me whisper

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