Party & B U L L S H I T .

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Fuck that stupid train . One day Im going to throw eggs at it . I sat up and grabbed my phone . I have a 3 missed calls from Jammie .

I got up and got in the shower . I usually wait like 15 minutes but it's Friday and I want to look cute . I washed my body then got out .

I dried off and put lotion on . I put on a fresh bra and panties set . I got some high waist ripped jeans , a white tank top , and my white airforces with the strap . I put on mascara , red lipstick . I brushed my hair into a high side ponytail . I put in by diamond earrings and gold chain .

I sprayed perfume and sat on my bed with Chris running through my mind . His lips are like cotton . Extra soft . His tounge is weirdly long lol . When he held my waist I almost had a stroke . I'm pretty happy that I was his first kiss . I wonder how he feels about lastnight . I mean he did turn around to kiss me .

Just as laid back there was a knock on my window . My heartbeat increased . I got up and unlocked it . It slid up and he came hopping in . His tan cargo pants , long sleeve red and black flannel shirt , and a raiders snapback . Mmmmhmmm .

I sat back down and he looked at me smiling hard .

"Goodmorning China ." He said .

"Goodmorning Chris ." I said .

He just stood there looking down .

"Come here ." I said ready to smash my lips onto his .

He looked up and sat next to me . I looked at him and he has a black eye . Wtf .

"What happened ?" I asked .

"Nothing ." He said looking away .

"Please just tell me ." I begged .

"Yesterday . I got jumped at school . It wasn't nothing yesterday but this morning it's black . Who cares ." He shrugged .

"Chris . I care ." I said removing his hat .

I kissed his eye softly like 5 times until he pulled me away and kissed my lips . He but my lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him . We kissed and I got on his lap straddling him .

I put my hand on his chest feeling his fast ass heartbeat . I like this . I wanted this .

Our tounges fought . I don't want anybody to hurt him ever again . He deserves love .

He pulled away breathing heavy .

"China .... Why do you care ?" He asked looking at me .

"Because . I like you and I can't stand to see you hurt .... Fuck all them ." I said and he smiled blushing .

"Oh . I like you too ." He said smiling .

"I know you do boy ." I said kissing him again .

His arms wrapped around my waist tightly . He's a good kisser .

I pulled away and started kissing on his neck . I sucked on it and later there's going to be a big purple hicky . Then I noticed a black line . Wtf .

"Chris ? What is that ? Black line ?" I asked about to tugg his collar down .

He grabbed my wrist and flipped me onto my bed hovering over me .

"N-n-nothing . It's nothing ." He said grabbing his snapback and leaving to go upstairs .

Wtf man !

Chris .

Damn ! She saw some . Fuuuuuuck ! I honestly don't know what to tell her it is . I wonder what she think it is . I hope this doesn't mess up you know ... Us .

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