Out of hand .

71 9 1

I got dressed in some of my favorite jeans , a tank top with a sweatshirt ontop . I put on some chucks and put my hair in a sloppy bun . I got my phone and my beats . Today Im avoiding everybody .

I put my headphones on and headed out the door late as Fuck . It's most likely about to be lunch . I walked to school listening to chief keef Morgan Tracy . I walked on campus and to the yard .

I chilled back and waited for the bell .

Chris .

I thought long and hard about what she said . When I saw Rob only one thing poped in by head . He touched her .

I know she's not my girlfriend any more but I still love her . I had to do something about it . I can't handel seeing her hurt . So after school I walked up to him catching him alone .

I yanked him by his collar and said through gritted teeth .

"Touch her again and I will kill you . She belongs to me ." I spat letting go of his collar and letting him hit the ground with a thump .

So now today I have to talk to her . Alone . But she didn't even come to school . My heart is yarning for her touch . Her lips . Her I love yous . Her .

"Hey ." I heard somebody say from behind me .

I looked back to see this guy but ion know his name .

He gave me a note . I opened it and it read .

If you need extra money , Weed , Mollys , ex , anything . I got it .

I wrote Im good . Then passed it back .

Then he passed it back . Omg .

I opened it and it said . Just hit me up just in case . 555 5555 . @ 257 riversend road . I'm red . Kid red .

I tucked it in my pocket and heard him chuckle . Ion need any drugs right now . I am going through alot though . A heartbreak .

Afterschool China .

I was walking out of class and saw Rob . He looked up at me then looked down . I walked straight past him and he didn't try shit . Hmm I guess he finally came to his senses .

I kept walking not paying attention as I thought about Chris and Monica . We only broke up for a day and he was already talking to somebody else . He changed .

Out of nowhere I slammed into somebodys chiseled chest . I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes . It's the guy from the party .

"I knew I would find you here ." He said as I backed up off of him .

"You was looking for me or something ?" I asked pushing past him .

He basically ruined my relationship .

"Actually I was . I just can't get you out of my mind ." He said walking next to me .

"Oh really ? Are you stalking me ?" I asked blushing .

"Maybe . Besides you should be happy Jonathan is stalking you ." He said .

"I'm guessing your Jonathan right ?" I said .

"Yeah . May I know your name ma ?" He asked .

"I'm China . I see your a proud stalker ." I said and he chuckled .

"Yeah but don't tell nobody . It's between you and me ."he said .

"So what do you want with me ? You just came out of nowhere ." I asked .

"I want to take you on a date . Oh yeah but your boyfriend ain't invited . Just us ." He said pulling me close .

"He's not my boyfriend thanks to you ." I said rolling my eyes .

"That's great . But how is it my fault ?" He asked .

"Walmart ." I sighed .

"Ohhhh wow . All I did was wink . I'm guessing he got jealous that I had your attention ." He asked .

I felt my face hearing up

"You did not have my attention . He's just sensitive . But yes jealousy is the cause ." I said .

"Aww to bad . Besides Im way better . Now how about that date ?" He asked running his thumb over my red cheeks .

I smiled . I'm kind of feeling this guy .

"I guess so . When ?" I asked .

"Friday . Here let's swamp numbers . I can't wait to make you my main ." He said as we switched phones .

I can't stop blushing .

Chris .

Me and D have been waiting for her for like going on 10 minutes . He said she came and they talked during passing period .

"Maybe she's in class . Come on ." D said and we both walked into the building .

We looked down the hall but she wasn't there . We walked to the other hall and my heart just got ripped out of my chest .

We watched them switch phones back and she put it in her pocket . I can't breath right now .

He pulled her close and whispered in her ear before the nearly empty hall filled with her giggle .

He looked up at me and smirked . I swear Im going to rip his head off .

I started to storm down there but D pulled me back .

"No Chris ! Just leave him !" He yelled before tears started streaming down by face .

Chinas head snapped to me and her eyes got wider . She back up off of him but it's to late . I'm to late . I missed out on the love of my life . She's moved on .

Dwayne yanked me around the corner .

"How could she do this to me ! I love her ! " I cried out .

"Calm down ." He said .

"No Fuck calm down ! How could she ! I can't believe this shit ! I told her my secrets , I showed her my weak side , I lost my virginity to her and he fucked it all up ! And now she's all up on this nigga like he's me or something ! If that her nigga now ? Does she love him ? Dwayne ! Does she fucking love him !?" I cried out snatching away and storming home .

I don't even want to see her face . I don't want to even live .

China .

"Baby please !" I said but Jonathan dragged me away .

"Let me go ! I love him ! Let me go ! Your hurting my wrist ! Ahhh " I cried in pain .

I can't believe that just happened . Fuck Jonathan I love Chris .

"Let my sister the Fuck go !" D spat yanking me away from Jonathans strong grip .

He looked at my wrist before starting to beat Jonathan up . Dwayne boxes so he's powerful . That's why I can't tell him about Rob . I just watched him beat Jonathan senseless .

I didn't even stop him . I need my Chris .

Chris .

I sat in my car infront of my gate debating if I should call . I'm going crazy thinking about them . How long have they been together . Was they talking behind my back like at Walmart . Was that a signal ? I'm stupid and I can't do anything about it . Matter a fact I can . Fuck that bitch ! But I love that girl .

I called the number .

"Hello is this Red ?" I asked .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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