Chapter 1

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Follow my Instagram elliebrook_s if you like my stories:) would appreciate it loads, I also apologise for my writing in advance as I wrote this between the ages of 13-15 or something but I aim to finish them.

Santana's POV:

I see her, I see her here everyday at cheerleading practice. I have never talked to her. I have never made eye contact with her. She sits on the bleachers everyday after school inside the gym, until practice is over. Why does she sit there? Her brother Sam is on the basketball team that practices at the same time. She has to wait to get a lift home from him. I don't know why but I always find myself staring at her. She hardly ever looks up. I get distracted by what she is wearing everyday. Or what she is doing to be occupied. The past year since she and her brother transferred I have always been more excited to get to practice just to secretly watch her. It's strange how I don't see her around school, we are both juniors but we don't have any classes together. Her brother on the other hand is a senior.

"Santana? Hello, formation 3" Kitty, the new head cheerleader says annoyed, effectively pulling me out of staring at Brittany from across the gym.

I took one last glance at Brittany before getting into positon.



I knew that today she was going to be exactly 15 minutes late. She always was on a Monday. It was 3:14pm I was staring at the door waiting for her to open it. I looked on my phone again and saw it just change to 3:15pm I counted to 3. 1....2....3 I looked to the door and right on cue it opened, revealing Brittany in black high waisted shorts and a baggy white shirt tucked into them. I smiled, I was currently sitting on the floor stretching. I secretly watched her with my eyes, She sat on the third row and pulled out a note book and started writing.

"Hey Brit" Sam yelled, smiled and waved. I gathered they were a close family.

"Hi" She waved back and smiled.

She looked back down to her notes. I smiled internally at how cute she looked when she waved, She moved her slightly curled blonde hair over her right shoulder and for the first time looked up. She looked directly at me. My heart started beating faster as our eyes connected for the first time, she blinked and looked back down at her notes. I swallowed and licked my lips as they had gone dry.

"Santana up! Formation 1" Kitty yelled which got everyone's attention including the basketball team. I stood up and walked to Kitty.

"Listen, Yell at me again and see what happens" I said in my most bitchy voice. She gulped and turned away.

"Formation 1 every one" She said in a nicer tone.

I looked back to Brittany to find her looking at me, I gave her a small smile but she just bit her lip and looked down.


Today she was wearing Black skinny jeans with a baggy white jumper with her hair in a bun. She was also reading a book which had a blue cover.

We were practicing a routine when I took a glance to Brittany, Normally I would see her reading, writing, texting but this time, I saw her watching us perform. Her eyes looked like they were looking for something. Her eyes fell upon me and met my eyes. I immediately looked away and I saw out of the corner of my eye she did to. I looked away because I didn't want her to think I was staring at her. Even though I was. I carried on with the routine sometimes taking glances to a reading Brittany.

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