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I know he can't be talking about seeing me in my dream last night. My best bet is to play dumb.

"What are you talking ab-" "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Layel" He says, cutting me off. "For one, don't cut me off. For two, I'm clueless as to what we're talking about." "Okay then," He cocked his head to the right. "Since you don't remember anything about your dream, lets jog your memory a little. Come, sit down," "Nah. I'm straight" "Suit yourself" "I am," "Good," "Thanks for the offer" "You're welcome" He shot back just as fast as I did smirking. By now I felt like I was in an episode of Scandal; us going back and forth with each other. "Do you not recall a dream from last night? Was someone not chocking you effortlessly in that dream?" How could he possibly know anything about that? "Nope. Last dream I had was me in the meadows with rainbows and unicorns and all of my friends," I snapped sarcastically, happily grinning at him. He chuckled. "Lyric, Why are are you lying to me. I control your dreams. I monitor and ultimate make your dreams. I wouldn't want to have to show it to you." What the fuck is really going on. "How do you even know me? Who are you? What have I ever done to you?" He chuckled, again. This bih got me so fucked up. "Explain to me how fucked up I have you,"  Oh fuuuuuck no. How the hell did he know what I was thinking? "What do you mean?" I gotta play dumb the whole way through to make it seem like I haven't caught on. It's my best bet. "Listen Layel. I'm not here because I'm mentally ill, I'm here because I'm a hybrid. I can control people's dreams, read their thoughts, talk to them through their minds, and sometimes, if I have enough power, I can control their actions. I could do way more but I'll let you unravel those mysteries. Actually, You could be my new test dummy now that I think of it," He chuckled one more time, but more in an sinister way. "I'm in your head Layel and I will always be." I can't even think straight anymore. You didn't answer my questions" I stared at him. He was still laid back as he was before. "You'll find out later," Before I could say anything, LeiLei walked back into the room. "So how do you like your new client so far babycakes?" I heard a whisper from inside of my head, It was Jacob. Tell her you had a great time getting to know me. I swear if you say anything to her about what we talked about, I'll put you through an excruciating pain. I suddenly felt a pain by my ribcage. Somewhat Like this, but only 1,000 times worse. I tried my hardest not to cringe in pain. "He's pretty nice. I had a fun time meeting Jacob." I was released from the pain. See. It wasn't that bad. "I also had a fun time meeting Layel. She has a nice personality and she's beautiful too." He smiled brightly at me. No particular reason. He said to me in my thoughts. He may be fucking crazy but that's not going to change the fact that he's a nice looking young man. Why thank you. I looked at him and he was smirking. Stay out of my thoughts yo. Let me think about it, He paused. I'd rather not. He winked at me. Lei was glancing between us both looking at us like we had two heads. "WELP! Guys I have to go." I said timidly. Lei gave me the files for Jacob. As she did so, she whispered in my ear "I already know, been there, done that." "Bye Layel!"  They both exclaimed in unison. "Bye Lei. Bye Jacob. I'll be here first thing in the morning." I said smiling and walking out the door.

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