Chapter One

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A cold wind whipped through the air, the winter chill had settled over the mountain village with such a tremendous ferocity that every street was completely deserted. This was the kind of day that Death enjoyed.

He could walk around like the humans he shared a form with and didn't have to worry about people seeing him and freaking out. His appearance made it difficult to enjoy his day off, the one day a year when the mighty controllers of the universe decided to take his tasks for a full 24 hours. That was something he always looked forward to after almost ten months of non-stop work and stress.

'At least I'm not working alone anymore.'

He couldn't help but smile at that, the fact that he had someone to share the burden always lightened his mood. The thought of his colleague reminded him as to why he had come to the desolate town, his aimless walking found a direction and he allowed himself to travel the rest of the route in relative happiness.

(You're probably thinking, who the hell would willingly work with Death?!Why would anyone or anything want to work with something that inspires fear into all mortal things?! Well shut it and slow your roll! You'll find out eventually.)

The man continued his walk, the air seemed to have gotten even colder. The trees shuddered heavily with a powerful howling wind; the noise of said wind carried a haunting sound, like that of a low pitch scream. The first few times he had made this journey, the cold and sudden change in weather, had left him on edge and (dare he say it) scared. Now though? The journey was comforting and familiar, he was going to met up with a close friend, a person with whom he could relate and spend time with.

'Almost there. I'm a little early but I doubt they'll mind'

His destination had finally come into view, wrought and rusted iron gates swung open without him needing to touch them, the hinges screaming in protest as they were forced to move, they should have been oiled years ago but no mortal in this village had the courage to touch anything here. The warning they had received over a century ago still lived fresh in their minds.

Honours Row Cemetery. The place where the best and worst of humanity were placed down to rest, their souls and graves watched over by a creature so fierce and frightening that no mere mortal would dare to even speak it's name.

However Death is no mere mortal, the guardian's curse means nothing to him, he would dare to call out the beastly creature's name at anytime he wanted and he wanted to see it now.

"In deepest dark, in coldest night. I demand an audience with mortal's fright. Show yourself beast, I know you are near. Egressus est ergo cuius nomen est animal Metu!"

A sudden blast of cold wind slammed against him, his black cloak flapped wildly and his low brimmed hat threatening to fly off of his head had he not clapped a skeletal hand over it. The roaring and screaming carried by the wind intensified massively, Death's ears began to ring with how loud the sound was. The first time this had happened he had passed out, even now despite having experienced it before many times he struggled to maintain his balance and consciousness. Many would think that Death had no weaknesses, they're mostly right, but Metu's 'murmurationis tempestas' was something that even he struggled to withstand.

The wind intensified once more, Death was thrown backwards.

His head contacted the stone gate post and he fell unconscious, his body fell limp at the base of the post. He was lucky that he had the ability to heal rapidly, any mortal would have been killed instantly by such a blow.

A plume of dark, shadowy smoke began to whisp around in front of the unconscious reaper ; slowly taking the form of a strangely tall and lanky figure. The newcomer knelt down, running a grey coloured hand through Death's now tussled silver hair, they lifted the reaper into a gentle hold before whisking away again.

The wind had died down now, the silence returning once more.

A Raven landed a top the spiked fence, peering around with a set of beady eyes. The bird's gaze settled upon the threadbare hat which was now lying on the frost covered ground.

With a swoosh of black feathers the bird grasped the hat and flew away, flying fast yet gracefully towards the central mausoleum. A mile long trek along winding stone paths had the bird been on foot.

Honours Row Cemetery. Resting place of good and evil. Home of true fear.

End of chapter one. -------

Translations: (Latin)
Egressus est ergo cuius nomen est animal Metu - come forth beast whose name is fear.
Murmurationis Tempestas - screaming storm.

Authors word:

Thank you all for taking the time to read my book, I hope you have enjoyed chapter one. I know that I enjoyed writing it.

Feel free to leave any feedback you have in the comments section, I may even answer a few question too.

I hope to see you all in the next chapter, it should be published within two days.

Lire sur mes amis miséricordieux.

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