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1. Like you have to be active, if you are not active in 4-5 days you are like kicked out so bye bitch jk :)

2. Y'all so happening I have a life to, so I won't be on the internet a lot, so you a allowed to spam me to get my attention :) don't spam to much tho.

3. Smut is *Allowed* ;)

4. Cussing is *Allowed* ;3

5. No like being a prick or dick to other people out of rp as long as y'all are just playing. :3

6. I will make a group rp, if you like we can make our own. You don't have to just rp with me, you may rp with other people to :)

7. Don't just fucking like comment on something if you are not accepted in this rp. I have to accept your form first lol :/

8. No fucking Mary or Gary sues. I'll call you out to so you betta watch out, boi :)

9. Y'all can't have more than one crush or someone's crush. If it's in there crush list don't use it ok. Read it. -.-

10. Only control your oc or character please. Don't control others or mine .-.

11. Y'all can't kill each other. I understand that we're killers but make a human thing up
for you to kill. I swear to go if you kill mine or someone's else oc or character without their permission I'll banned you from this rp :)

12. Don't leave anyone out please :_:

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