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Sunday came but no Ashton I texted him about a million times but he never texted back. I forgave him I knew he didnt mean what he said and he apologized. I felt terrible.


It was Monday and I was praying Ashton was at school. That I would walk into math and he would be sitting there with that damn gorgeous grin on his face. But when I get there he is nowhere to be seen.


Ashton's P.O.V

It was Monday and I didn't go to school I felt terrible about what happened with Cole and Shane. He texted so many times that Shane forgave me and to be honest I know he does. I will see Cole tonight and we can hang out and I can really apologize to shane. But for now I have to make some money that's the real reason I skipped school. I head to my usual spot and find one of my customers. I walk up to him smiling.

"Got a cigarette" I asked. He looked at me and grinned. I walked back to the alley with him. We stood there for a moment. I looked over the guy he was the exact opposite of clean he was untrimed, dirty, and would probably pay way more than I was worth. I smiled at the thought of this. "75" I said with a steady Voice. He nodded and began to take off his pants and I was pushed down to my knees.
We where five minutes in and he began to get rough pulling my hair and pushing me so far it hurt. I pushed away.

"Hey take it easy." I said. He didn't listen and began to force himself on me again. I couldn't breath. "Fucki-ng  sto-p." I tried to push him away but he kept going. I was about to pass out I just couldn't get air in.
He pushes me to the ground and begins to take off my pants. He strips down my boxers and I am left half naked and the pavement. He pulls down his pants and my eyes go wide.

"Hey we didn't agree to this?!!" I hiss at the man. He laughs and shakes his head "You will probably fucking love it slut." He slips Inside of me and I scream. I didn't like it and I wish he would stop. He keeps going in and out In and out. Suddenly he stops and I can see him being dragged away from me and kicked. Im on all fours trying to catch my breath and coughing up blood.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok your alright come on." I look up. "What th- Shane?" I stutter getting up of the pavement.  Shane helps me put on my pants and picks me up and carry's me to the car.

"Hey wait he didnt give me my money!?" I realize and start to jump out of Shane's arms and walk back towards him. I was going to get my money what my dad would do if I didn't would be worse.  Once I reach him I kick him.

"Hey you owe me money dipshit." He sits up and laughs. "For what a sucky blowjob and a kick in the gut not to mention the  sex was terrible." He paused for a minute and then smirked. "But I bet you fucking loved it."
I growl and begin to punch him. "Give me my fucking money."

Before I knew what was happening I am being dragged away and put into Shane's car. I lay my head down in defeat while shane starts the car.

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