Twenty Seven

783 29 38

(Okay, I just recently realized that we've hit 2K reads! Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so much guys!!!! This is so silently supportive that I'm going to do something special for everyone! Comment and tell me something I can do for you guys, I'd be happy to check out your channels or something! Or ask me a random question, role play with me, anything you want!)

"(Y/N)," Papyrus murmurs, sounding slightly uneasy, "WHAT DO YOU THINK?"

Speechless, you sharply draw in your breath.

"Papy, you look.... Amazing." you manage to say.

The shy skeleton is wearing a thin, light purple shirt with black lines crossing over it in a plaid pattern. He also sports a pair of black slacks, and fancy black shoes.

Mettaton has dressed up for the occasion as well. He wears a pair of pants identical to Papyrus's, and a purple shirt of a slightly darker shade. His high-heeled pink boots are still on his feet, and you're left to wonder if he ever takes them off.

"Blooky, how would you like to come with us?" Mettaton croons. "I can get something for you to wear as well..."

Napstablook, who is still sitting behind you, turns pink.

"I don't know, Mettaton..." he murmurs. After a pleasing look is executed from his cousin, Napstablook sighs, defeated. "I guess so...."

Mettaton grins. "Let me get something for you, Blooky." he says excitedly.

Contrary to this action, Napstablook shakes his head. "I can get it myself, Mettaton." he mumbles, obviously embarrassed by all the attention he is receiving.

His eyes begin to fill with tears, which soon end up flowing down his face.

"Blooky, what's wro-" you start to ask, but the tears start to take the form of something else on top of his head.

Soon, there's a dapper top hat sitting there, the same color as the rest of his translucent body. You find yourself smiling.

"Great, Blooky!" Mettaton shouts. "Let's go, now! We still have to pick up the dress I have waiting for (Y/n)!"

You stand up, your knees wobbling, and stand next to Papyrus. His cheekbones are still alight with that enchanting orange dust.

Mettaton leads the you, Papyrus, and Napstablook out into the hall, and into the elevator. You tap your feet impatiently as the elevator makes its descent. All too soon, however, you reach the main level. Your robot host leads you out of the lobby in style, and the evening guests of the resort ooh and aah at your companions' fancy clothing.

After leaving the resort, you follow Mettaton through the populated area by his resort and slip into a dress shop. Mettaton grabs your hand and pushes you up to the counter.

"I preordered a dress for this lovely young lady, where can we find it?" he asks the attendant.

You blush at being called lovely, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Papyrus bristle slightly.

The attendant leaves the counter and directs you and Mettaton over to a rack next to a line of dressing rooms. She asks Mettaton his name and what time he ordered the dress, and once she recognizes the star, she begins to try and make a flirtatious conversation with him. Realizing this, Mettaton gently waves her away and hands you the dress.

"Try it on, (Y/n) darling." he whispers.

Somewhat reluctant to leave your company, you open a dressing room door and put the dress on a rack next to a small stool on which you rest your discarded everyday clothes.

As you dress, you study yourself in the mirror.

After all of this... Inside, you're still the same person. Inside, you're still the kind and true person your friends and family knew you to be before you met Papyrus.

Oh, Papyrus...

You hurry and finish dressing, the silky purple fabric gliding over your smooth skin. You smile at your reflection, then open the dressing room door to reveal yourself to your friends.

Mettaton beams when he sees you.

Napstablook cracks a soft smile.

Papyrus's jaw drops. His eyes widen.

"(Y/n), you look simply stunning!" Mettaton says, turning from his conversation with the attendant from earlier. "Now, let's find you some shoes to go with it, and we'll be all set to go."

As Mettaton heads off to look at the shoe selection, you walk over to Papyrus.

"Do I really look okay?" you ask shyly. "I knew Mettaton would say something like that, but I was- I don't know, what do you think?"

Papyrus pauses before replying.

"I THINK YOU LOOK RATHER NICE." he says quietly.

His reply hits you like a sack of bricks. You had thought he would say something slightly more descriptive... Something nicer? Something more like.... like a sweeter compliment? For some reason, his simple reply startled you.

You smile uneasily at him, and whirl around when you hear Mettaton call your name.

Shortly afterward, you and your company are heading toward the restaurant Mettaton made reservations at. Papyrus taps your shoulder, and you turn your head, but Mettaton interrupts and takes your hand in the crook of his arm, a gentlemanly action.

Papyrus recedes behind, walking beside Napstablook, who has stayed silent this entire time so far.

You reach the restaurant and are seated on the second floor next to the stairs, where you can see all of the action on the floor below. There seems to be a dance floor, and live entertainment is playing their soft evening music in one corner. Waiters and waitresses dressed in black glide soundlessly about, trays of delicate food on their arms and hands. Nearly everyone here is a monster, and all of the workers and music players are as well.

"This is one of the Underground's most exclusive restaurants." Mettaton tells you proudly.

You find yourself seated between Mettaton and Papyrus, and Napstablook quietly takes the cushioned chair across from you.

"Good evening, and welcome to the Lafayette." a waiter says, coming to your table after a few minutes of poring over the menus. As soon as he sees Mettaton, he bows a little. "Good evening, Monsieur Mettaton."

Mettaton grins. "Good evening, Torin." he responds. "I believe we are ready to order. Will you take the little lady's first?"

You tell the man your request, and in turn, he writes it down and looks at Papyrus. As soon as you get your food, you follow Mettaton's example and delicately fork up tiny bites and chew them daintily. Papyrus does the same. After your finish eating, Mettaton turns to you, an amused smile on his silver face.

"Miss (Y/n), may I have a dance?"


When Spaghetti is your Life (Undertale Papyrus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now