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Harley and Emily were watching Attack on Titan, Emily cuddling her cat. They glance at each other. "Em-Em" Harley says stuttering. "I love you and I just need to tell you, I can't keep thes e feeling to my self anymore. "I always liked you Harley" Em says blushing. Then they slowly made out........

A couple days later they annouced they were dating EVERYWHERE, even on social media

A spicy fan fic by Kawaii_Cosplayer


A message to Em and Harely, You guys are amazing at cosplaying and I think you should keep up the good work, you even let your fans in the cosplay,I'm cosplaying as Frisk, and was inspired by you guys~ Stay Dope and Kawaii........

A SPICY FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now