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*Jamie POV

"6:30, dammit I only have a half hour till school" I grab the remainder of my stuff and shove it into my bag, half way down the stairs I see that my mom just got home from work and was sleeping on the couch and my heart hurts even in my hungover state.

"Jamie you want breakfast" my mother asks as I cover her with a blanket

" Yea mom I am going to pick something up on the way there and I am going to meet up with Jessica" I kiss her forehead

"Ok, well look in my bag and take the money in the pocket that was my tip from last night" she tells me before she knocks out completely

I look in her bag and found the money, I swear if I didn't know my mom saw a bartender in a restaurant I would think she was a hooker. She was always working crazy hours and was never home so I adapted very quick to being alone because it was just us.

I pop two Advil to ease the hangover I had from the party I went to last night and left for school.

I turn the corner to go the deli around the corner from my apartment building to get breakfast and meet up with Jessica, my best friend since we were little.

When I got to the deli I got a text from Jessica telling me what she wanted for breakfast and that she would be there In ten min.

I was stuck in the breakfast line so I hiked up my skirt and smiled to a couple of people and in five minutes I was second in line. When I ordered I didn't look directly at the guy who gave me my coffee and the bagels until I had to pay and I looked at him and smiled politely getting my change back not thinking anything about it.

Jessica was outside in seconds honking her crazy horn

"Hay babe" I said

"Hay hot stuff, get in we are going to be late you got the breakfast" Jess asked me

"Yea I got it you like the sk-" I tried to ask before she ripped the bagels out of my hands and stuffed it in her face

"Sometimes your so freakin nasty" causing her to almost choke from laughter

When we approached the school I looked at myself one more time in the mirror putting on my shades as we stepped out of the car.

We walked to my locker together talking about what happened last night I was hammered and could not remember one thing

"You have been worse, I guess you had fun but you said that you loved me instead of you hate me last night" she said with a questioning face

The bell rang and I walked Jessica to her class, on the way to my class my socks fell down from my knees and I went to the bathroom to look at myself

As I walked into the bathroom I heard all conversations stop I didn't pay attentions to it because it didn't bother me so I turned to look at the 5'5 curvy girl with long jet black curly hair, and smiled inwardly thinking 'you little devil'


At lunch me and Jessica took her car and left to go to Applebee's because I didn't get to drunk last night I wanted to celebrate.

Since me and Jess aren't seniors we have to blend with the senior crowd that leaves for lunch,like always Jess panics and runs to the car while I stand in a group of seniors trying to blend in a couple of them looking at me because they know who I am and others just complimenting me on how pretty I looked either way I didn't mind nor did I care.

There was always this one tall kid that I left and hopped on a motor cycle with out talking to anyone and I didn't really see his face but I knew he was handsome because some girls in the group talked about him like he was a freaking god or something.


"Did you see that guy leaving for lunch on the motercycle " Jessica blurted while I took a bite of my burger

"Yea, you know him??" I asked

"Nahh but he seems like really mysterious and hot" she giggled

After laughing at bunch or nonsense we talked about foreign news and politics,then she asked about my mom and how she was, before I payed the check and we left back for school.

On the way back to school I wanted to stop at seven eleven to get us some slurpies because I know it would aggravate our teachers

So I pop in my headphones and dance my way into the store. Moon walking down the candy aisle grabbing random candy while I dance and as soon as turn around to grab my favorite candy i knock into a hard surface causing me to drop everything in my hands when I turn to see what the hell is interrupting me, I have to look up at this 6'1 muscular god with blue eyes and blondish hair that that looked familiar but I really don't care because my candy is now on the floor.

" what the hell" I say directing my attention to the candy on the floor

" I am so sorry" he says as he kneels to help me pick it up

" Yea it's fine thanks for the help" I say grabbing the candy from him smiling and then rushing to get my slurpies and pay.

"Yo we are going to be late" i say as Jessica just looks at me when I jump back into the car

"What the hell was that" I says taking the key out of the ignition

" what are you doing..... And what are u talking about?!?" I say bugging out

" I mean with mystery boy over there he is the guy from earlier!!!" She says pointing to him as talks

" Ooh he is, well he just dropped all my candy " I say nonchalant

" I saw..... You know you look cute together how he makes you look like a midget" she said shyly

" you know it's been a long time since you and - "

"NO it's to soon and he hurt me you know that " I said before popping in my headphones

I needed a drink now.


Ok thanks for reading if you have any comment please feel free to write some these will be shorter chapters that come have faster updates !!! Love u guys later =*

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