Thanksgiving 2016

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|A/N I'm just going to go with that they don't celebrate Mundane holidays. I'm sure they don't, but I do remember Christmas(Mainly because of Tessa) 

Julian swore under his breath. They had been out most of the night. "We should head back, it'll be daylight in a few hours."

Emma furrowed her brows. "It's has to be around here somewhere!" They had just gotten another lead on a case they had been working on for months. 

"Ems, we have to head back,"Julian looked at her. "Mark is waiting up for us." He picked up his weapon and slung it over his back. Emma didn't have the energy to fight with Jules right now. They both made their way back to the car.

After what felt like hours, Emma spoke up. "Isn't it some type of mundane holiday today?" Julian looked at her with confusion before looking back at the rode. "Kit mentioned something the other day about this big feast mundanes  would have. He said he and his father never really took part of it but he wanted to have one in the future. It's all about friends and family, and being thankful." 

"Thanksgiving?" Jules asked, "Doesn't that involve a turkey?"

Emma grinned slightly. "Yes, Jules. We should go pick one up."

"It's nearly 5am, Emma. I doubt any store will be open."

"We live outside of Los Angeles, Julan!" Emma laughed, sitting back in her seat.

"Alright, fine we'll check it out."


Back at the institute, most of the kids were up and ready for the day. Ty walked around the halls with a book in his face, Kit was following him to make sure he wouldn't run into anything, and Livvy and Dru sat in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Where is Mark?" Emma asked, to no one in general but she hoped one of them answered.

"Right here," Mark rounded the corner, looking absolutely confused as to why Julian held a turkey. "Since when did we bringing dead animals into the house?"

Tavvy ran past them, he was only wearing pants.

"Tavvy! Where are your pants?!" Julian eyes widen as he watched his brother run around. Mark,on the other hand was laughing.

"Is that a turkey?!" Kit asked, letting Ty run into a wall. "Oh, Ty I'm sorry-"

Ty groaned, fixing his glasses. "It's fine."

"Yeah it's a turkey," Emma laughed softly. "Can you show us how to make it?"


The kitchen was a mess. A complete mess. Tavvy still didn't have a shirt on, he was now covered in flour. Mark and Emma were fooling around with the turkey neck. Livvy was helping Ty and Kit prepare the turkey. Julian,on the other hand, was trying to clean up the mess as Tavvy ran around.

To their surprise, their uncle came down to the kitchen.

"Uncle?" Dru sat down a spatula. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no little Dru. Everything is fine." His smile was warm but he was still broken. Julian watched his uncle.

"Do you need a drink?" He asked. His uncle shook his head and walked over to Livvy and Ty. He started to help them prepare the stuffing. Julian and Emma looked at each other. They both had the same thought.

We actually feel like a family now.

// A/N again. This is very eh but hey, plot twist about the uncle !!😂 Maybe I'll write more about the Blackthorn household? Instead of just holidays? Idk
Hope you guys enjoyed!

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