Chapter 2

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1,2,3,4... 1,2,3... 1,2,3... 1,2... 1,2... 1... 1... Nothing. I don't feel anything. No feeling seems to be appeared in my body. Until, I'm trapped. The dirt floor consisted padded white room, stares at me, with no doors to be found anywhere. I freeze. Completely stuck in a space, with no escaping the silence. Then, the whips and chains latch up onto me, and leave me in place, snapping and hitting each inch of me, if I was not still. I was never more lifeless in my being. The walls glistening white seem to push into me, as a constant reminder, that I am alone, and forever trapped. In silence, my cries of desperation and screams sounds of pure horror, fill the room, always attacking back at me. Suddenly without hesitation the floor, disappears, and I am let loose, to fall into an eternal pit of darkness, my screeches and screams filling the emptiness. I keep falling, and descend more and more into the black abyss... Until, I see a light. A strange light at the end of the pit consumes me, and then, I wake up. My heart is beating as fast as it can. I'm in a hospital bed, filled with oxygen tanks, and noise surrounding me.

"Doctor! The patient has awoken!" A nurse seems to yell, hearing steps of many different people around me. I hear my intense, extensive coughing, from feeling a tube inside of my esophagus to my lungs, the oxygen being pumped into them, feeling overwhelming. Finally, when the tube is taken out of me, I gasp for the air. I breathe again, coughing and almost choking, with the natural air I was taking in.

1,2,3,4,5... 1,2,3,4,5...

My heart only kept beating faster, for a whole 4 minutes and 17 seconds.

Tick tock... Tick tock...

The clock was the only thing I could focus on, my heart finally started to get to its normal beat, not focusing on anyone around me. My limp body proceeds to stay still, my breath heavy and consistent. Three nurses gather around me, all injecting needles in my arm, with various clear liquids, through my veins, into my system, as fast as humainely possible. To my surprise, my vision becomes clear, seeing the figure from the forest, sitting right there beside me, as I seemingly near, my own demise.

His voice goes to a soft whisper, as he holds my hand, gently, waking up, informing me, "Lillian, its Ben. I am staying here with you as you get better, okay? You lost a lot of blood and are extremely dehydrated, and are being put on immediate IV's. You're going to be here for a while until you are healthy enough." I see his silver-blue orb like eyes peering into my hazel-green ones, looking into me with a feeling that stabs into my chest... Sympathy.

"W-what?" I sweat, not understanding his quarrel, jumping up, at the nurses injecting liquid through IV's. "Get off of me! Get that out of me! Where am I? Why am I here?" I feel the tears start going down my pale, bloodshot face, as I cry out in terror, not aware of anyone, or anything.

"Lillian, look at me.. These are nurses from USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, who have been taking care of you for the past week. You've been in a coma. I brought you here immediately after you fainted onto the ground in the forest."

They shoot through me likes bullets of water going into me as sharp as ice, and melting like fire burning through my fragile, porcelain skin. The skin prickles red across my face, anger and fear crawling under me. The liquid seeping in my veins, starts to fill me with tiredness, from lack of sleep of my past sleepless months, takes over me, and I drift into slumber again, my dreams haunting me.

Nothing is ever okay. No one can help me. No one can save me. 

The Forest and the Savior--Tate Langdon (AHS) Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now