Chapter IV

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“I’m rather proud of you two. And a little surprised.”


Haven and I smiled innocently up at Rory and Ami, who just returned with the rest of the pack. It was well after midnight; almost one, in fact. Rory gave us a suspicious look before he headed into the kitchen. Ami however, smiled and patted both of our heads as she headed for their bedroom.


Haven glanced at me, his smile turning into a small smirk before Rory re-entered, a glass of tea in his hand. He still gave us a suspicious look, but he didn’t comment, walking by us and sitting in the recliner in the corner of the living room. “So, the hunt went well. We managed to catch a few deer.” Rory began, glancing at his tea before looking back up to Haven and I. “How were things here?”


“They were fine.” Haven replied. “A little boring, but, you know. Nothing big.”


Rory nodded, then paused and nodded more firmly. “Well, you’ve definitely shown that you can listen. Now how abotu doing it a little more often? I don’t want to have to make you guys stay home next month too. I know how it feels, my parents did it frequently when I was your age.”


“We’ll be better. Promise.” Haven said with a small smile. Rory smiled back, then sighed and stood back up.


“Good. Very good. It’s after one, and you two are going to have a lot to do tomorrow, so get to bed.” he commented, bending to kiss me on the head before doing the same to Haven, then heading for the bedroom. Haven and I sat in silence for a minute before he sighed loudly, leaning back in his seat.


“Holy shit,” he mumbled, “that was fun.”


I couldn’t resist smiling at him watching him stretch his arms above his head momentarily before they fell back to his sides.


“I guess we should go to bed though.” he yawned. I nodded as he stood up, blowing out the lamps before holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, making my face heat up as I was pulled into his chest. I was glad he wasn’t paying attention to me as he lead the way to our room.


I closed the door behind me once we were inside, and Haven immediately stripped his shirt off, falling onto his bed with a quiet groan. I figured he was sore, since I was too. We always were after the full moon. Changing put quite a bit of strain on our bodies.


I pulled the sheets and blanket back from my bed, getting ready to settle down when Haven perked up, resting on his elbow as he looked at me from across the room. I looked at him curiously, and he just kept watching me, like he was thinking about something. Then he sat up all the way, standing and padding across the room to me as I frowned.


“Haven?” I murmured. He kept giving me a weird look, bending down so he was only inches away from my face, looking into my eyes. Immediately I thought of all the books I’d read, where the two main characters locked eyes for several moments before the “big kiss” happened. I almost laughed at that though. Haven wasn’t going to kiss me.

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