Chapter XXVIII

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It was late spring, almost summer. The weather was nice, and the flowers certainly seemed to enjoy it as much as everyone in the pack did.


Chancelor didn’t go back to school. He stayed with us instead, officially picking up the role as Alpha. He was adamant that after the incident with the hunters, he would be there for his pack at all times.


Anna, however, had to leave. I didn’t understand why, but Chancelor said they weren’t allowed to stay together. I was sad to see her go, but Chancelor said she’d probably visit every now and then. He seemed particularly distant the day she left, but after a few days, was back to his old self.


Now, I was sitting in the living room on my couch, reading a book. Or trying to, anyway. But a certain white-haired Werewolf made that very, very difficult.


It wasn’t even like Fenix was doing something to be intentionally distracting. He just sat at the other end of the couch, my legs in his lap as he rubbed at my foot and ankle absently. We spent a lot of time together, since Chancelor was back for good, and he usually went to Dani if he needed help. More often than not, Fenix could be found at my house.


But, there was still one little problem-- we didn’t talk about...whatever this was. Were we together? I had no idea.


I huffed, dropping the book to my lap as I looked at him. “You’re distracting.” I told him. He paused in his rubbing, glancing over at me. When he didn’t reply, I sighed and tilted my head a little, watching him for a second. “Fenix?”




“...What are we doing?”


That made him tense up, and he seemed a little unsure. “I’m not sure what you mean,” he replied carefully. Narrowing my eyes a little, I wiggled my feet in his lap for emphasis.


This. This...thing, we’ve been doing since...since I got here, basically.” I clarified. “I mean...I like you. Obviously.” I was unable to continue, talking quietly.


Fenix still sat silently, his hands removed from my feet as he watched the floor.


I didn’t understand why he wasn’t cooperating. I didn’t think it was that hard. Just a simple ‘hey, I like you too’ would work for me, at this point. Something other than occasional kisses and touches. I just needed to hear him say it.




Silence. He didn’t even acknowledge me. Finally I bit on my bottom lip lightly, picking my book back up and reopening it.


“Never mind.” I murmured. I couldn’t focus on the words in the book though, and it frustrated me.


He could at least tell me if he didn’t feel the same way.


After a few seconds, his hands picked up on the rubbing again, but instead of being distracted by a pleasant feeling, I was distracted by the annoyance I felt at his silence.


“Our father...used to be Alpha. But the position was taken from him, by Chancelor’s father.”


The voice was unexpected, and I jumped slightly as I glanced at Fenix over my book. He was still watching the floor, but his hands massaged gently at my feet. “Our father was...not the most mentally stable. Our mother left when we were very young. Shortly after that, our uncle took over as Alpha. Our father hated him for it, and...had a tendency to project his feelings onto us. Danielle and I didn’t have the most emotionally nurturing childhood. That’s why we are the way we are.”


“...What happened to him? Your father?”


“He left the territory, and got into a fight with another wolf. Had his throat ripped out.”


I winced a little, hand instinctively coming up to my neck. Fenix glanced in my direction, but quickly looked away again.


“I’m not good at talking to people. And I apologize for that. I you, Raine. Very much.”


Well, that was all I wanted. An excited flutter spread through me at the admission, and I looked back at my book, but I still couldn’t concentrate on it. So, I gave up. I set the book down by the couch and moved to crawl over to Fenix, who seemed a little surprised at the change in position. I curled up by his side, feeling him wrap an arm around me tightly.


We sat in silence for a little while until he shifted, leaning down to be level with me as he pressed his lips to mine softly. I moved forward, pressing against him a little more forcefully as I sat up and maneuvered myself until I was in his lap. Our mouths never separated, even as he gripped my hips tightly and nipped gently at my bottom lip, making me exhale softly.


I wound my arms around his neck as his tongue slid into my mouth easily, the feeling making me shiver as I tangled my hands into his hair. I wasn’t sure which one of us began moving first, but soon enough we were both moving our hips against each other.


If anyone told me this would be happening a year ago, I wouldn’t have believed them. Then again, I suppose that’s a normal feeling when you’re in someone’s lap.


Fenix broke away then, and both of us inhaled sharply at the need for air. Our hips slowed down to a gentle rocking motion, one that was just enough to keep the feeling of arousal going as I smiled at him. “Very much, huh?” I asked, still out of breath. Fenix huffed something that might’ve been a laugh as he nodded.


“Very, very much.”

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