Blah Blah you die the end jk you marry a momster that sounds fun and have kids ok getting good and you fight. Wait what and and the first parts are shitty as fuck
( sans unf pov hey fish lover you think that shot will make her bones like me. ( fish lover pov yes I'm sure it will sans go make her one bye ( y;n pov i saw sans he had a shot thing he puted on me I looked strange I looked like frisk but as a fuckn girl
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That's how I looked I came out of the room then underfell sans saw me ( underfel sans pov i looked at. Y;n and she looked like frisk but a girl it got me a boner my mouth was dorlling red spit and I got a big red boner on my shorts and it was bright red what made her look so sexy were her kitty tail and ears i said to my mind i must fuck Y;n and when she is in bed so it was night time pap was with fish sticks fighting but it was just a sleep over and. Then i told Y;n to go to sleep she said ok ( y;n pov i went to sleep so I took my clothes of just my bra and panties then I wake up by a sound it was sans he was here and moaning alot he was all red then I spoted a little red light coming from his ohh god save me his shorts and then he moaned my name the he took my bra and then he took out tencles that were playing with my ice cream scoops and then a meow came out of my mouth then he took my panties and then said someone is getting wet you little naughty kitty then a tencle went inside my v hole I meowed louder and then he said why are you so cute and sexy then a portal open to my sansy then he got me out of there and the underfel sans said no you little ass the I came to my real sans ( sans pov oh my god your ok Y;n she said yes I was so scared then he telporetd Y;n to his room and then he had to tencles that were playing with my ice cream scoops and then a meow came out of my mouth the he moaned ohh god save me he got his shorts and then he took out his blue dick and then he puted it on my v hole I moaned he said ohhh I think I'm going to cum he did then before he cumed he put his dick in your mouth and then his cum came out blue he made you drink it all you did then he made you lick your mouth cause it had cum in it then you came out with clothes and made your famous key lime pie it was so good even Y;n she liked it no she loved it and then both went to sleep to go to vist the monsters at a park