Blah Blah you die the end jk you marry a momster that sounds fun and have kids ok getting good and you fight. Wait what and and the first parts are shitty as fuck
(y;n pov i woke up it was 9. am like ohhh shit I only have 30 min to get ready. So you can't get up sans was hugging me thight. I told sans to wake he would wake up then he woke up he used his magic to the shower then the closet and then sans came out for breakfast he looked cute here is a pic of it then while I was cooking breakfast. Sans wraped his arms. Around my waist ( sans pov good moring. Y;n we have no job then she said ohh yaa I forget then we woke the kids then they had to school and we tooked then I my big brother pap put speghti in the lunch the my key lime pie then Apple juice and they left Y;n she had to go to whacht new mew 2 with her so then I said ok The she. Telported then I came with her she puted on a white coat she looked hot then I went to wait outside ( y;n pov so I put this one ok then a put this green thing and then she told me to go back there and put my hands on my head and then sans came in ( sans pov knock knock come in. That doesn't go like that then she said ohh yyes she is in one last step whats the last step ohh my god it was Y;n bones soshit god dam y;n ( musicbackround pov my bone goes like shhhhhh ( sans pov ohhh ( y;n pov SANS are you ok sans wake up say somthing ( sans I haved sinned ( fish love what do you mean sans
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