Blah Blah you die the end jk you marry a momster that sounds fun and have kids ok getting good and you fight. Wait what and and the first parts are shitty as fuck
( y;n pov hey sans I want to get revenge from underfell sans ( sans pov why y;n then she told me HE DID WHAT she nods what ok now we are getting revenge from underfell sans now THAT MOTHER FUCKER he will get dunked on ( y;n pov first I need the souls guys the souls ( all monsters pov ok here ( sans pov but y;n how do go there ( y;n pov i got this open seme done see the portal open to underfell ok lets go in sans ( sans pov ok ( sans under fell pov hey pap hurry with the brige so it looks like its not a trap 15 min later done ( y;n pov hey look sans a brige lets go ( sans pov coming y;n hey I alsways wounder why she is so nice ( sans under fell pov now pap ( udf pap ok bang (sans pov shit wow we are going to die ( y;n pov he'll no wings go ( sans pov i see that Y;n has wings ( y;n pov hold on sans to my back look my wings are big to carry you lets go. Wohhhh. Lets goooo ( sans udf that was not so hard. Wait I hear something WTF is that ( y;n pov hey rember me fuck boy. That's right I'm back here take this sans 3 souls my sans not you here sansy use this make you stronger ( sans pov ok done. ( y;n pov one makes you fly walk faster and gastser blaster stronger ( sans udf pov fine this will be fun ( y;n pov look at this fuck boy every timeline souls lets see how long you survive ( sans pov uhh ( y;n pov SANS no you little fucker ( game pov. Y;n gets bigger wings gets bigger stronger than ever she never was this mad
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( y;n pov your last hour strikes come at me ( underfel sans gastser blaster ( actions pov y;n uses her had to break the blast it worked. ( fuck boy sans pov WTF how did she break the blast whatever die ( y;n pov hey look at your feet bone traped someone will get dunked on so sorry you die just kidding no will miss you ( sans under fell pov strings break her soul have it broke her soul yes you will turn to dust ( y;n pov haha you think aahh ahh ( sans under fell pov yes I win. ( game pov wait look at her soul its back into piceses back aigin ( sans under fell pov what the he'll she did not die ( y;n pov hey sans I forgot to tell you I can't die cause I'm a monster GOD. ( actions pov y;n uses slash gaster blaster with strings little bombs and clones of her slef ( sans under fell pov what the fuck I can't doge this oww 1000000 hp lost wtf that's half of my hleath ( sansy pov gatser blaster ( y;n pov 989900000000000000 gastser blasters around fuck boy ( sans under fell_ fuck boy. Pov no way she's stronger than me wtf ahhh bleh ( y;n pov yes we did it sans ouch let me heal you sans look at you so awful lets go home souls go back to your monster ok sans here your heal here is the pic I took of you when we were fighting that was tought hey sans you okay ( sans pov yaa lets go to grilbys ( y;n pov ok see you there telport bye
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