December 27th

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December 27th

"I cannot believe you actually knitted me a Christmas sweater," Jessie said as he tugged the frayed hem. "And a hideous one at that."

June wasn't particularly good at knitting. When she arrived home at her Grandma's house the day before, she asked the older woman to take care of the top half and said she would do the rest.

Her grandmother knitted like she was trying to win the Olympics.

The granny Olympics.

June attempted to continue from where her grandmother left off but got bored after about ten minutes with no progress. She just handed it back to the elderly lady and went to bed instead.

"My grandmother made it," June explained. "I told her to make it extra pretty for the lonely boy I met in Starbucks."

Jessie grinned and squished the red nose that stuck out unattractively from the clothing item. "You tell your grandma that she made a hell of a sweater," he said, "and that the lonely boy you met in Starbucks loves it."

“So, lonely boy,” June started, gazing at him curiously, “do you have a girlfriend?”

Jessie shook his curly head of hair. “I broke up with her about a week ago,” he responded with a casual shrug. “She was cheating on me with a member of the varsity chess team.”

June couldn’t control the laugh that followed. “The chess team?” she emphasised. “Either you’re a real ass or the members of the chess team suddenly got more attractive.”

Jessie shrugged and held onto his Latte. For the first time, there was a slight downturn to his lips. “She was one of those people that lived for the thrill. I’m pretty sure she only hooked up with him for the high; just to know that she was hiding something from me.”

June loved how Jessie didn’t hold anything back. It made up for the both of them. She felt a little bad about laughing now that she knew the full story. “I’m sorry,” she responded sympathetically. Without fully realising, she reached for his hand and smiled when he didn’t pull back.

He focused his smoky eyes on her and she felt fidgety within his intense gaze. “What about you?”

June smiled and kept her hand on his. Her small palm barely covered his entire hand but his were so warm in comparison to her icicle-like ones that she never wanted to let go. Reaching for his hand wasn’t something she would normally do. Human contact just wasn’t her strong suit but today it felt like instinct. “I’ve dedicated my life to being a-sexual,” she explained casually.

“Like plants and fungi?” Jessie asked; his brows furrowed. He was finding it hard to understand the girl with the scowl and the forlorn glint in her eyes.

June nodded and glanced out the window. She could see the cold and sense its presence but she had yet to feel it. She had come into Starbucks wearing a fur-lined jacket but the room was so well heated that she had ditched the jacket, gloves and scarf. She was still wearing the long-sleeved top though because that never came off.

“So you don’t like Christmas and you’re a-sexual. Is there anything else I should know about you?” Jessie enquired. He was only asking the question because he wanted her to look at him so that he could see her entrancing green eyes.

“Yes, Jessie. I believe there is something else you should know about me,” June responded. She looked him dead in the eye and didn’t so much as twitch. She was still holding his hand. “I named my cat “Dog”.”


I sort of fell behind with my whole surprise hiatus yesterday so I'm going to upload two chapters tomorrow :)

Next update: Tomorrow!

Bye :)

June and Jessie's Christmas at Starbucks [On Hiatus // Jan 02]Where stories live. Discover now