January 1st

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January 1st

“So...,” June muttered. She looked everywhere but at Jessie who had his hands wringed and his gaze fixed on her. Unlike June – who thought she might pass out at any moment from an intense mixture of emotions stirring up inside her –, Jessie was completely at ease.

He knew what he had done and he didn’t regret it.

June knew that she was feeling especially perturbed because when she had arrived home at an absurd hour of night – i.e.: one-thirty A.M –, her grandmother had instantly started interrogating her. The poor, old woman had stayed up all night fretting about her favourite grandchild who hadn’t stepped into the house until well past midnight.

Or rather, that’s what June told herself.

In reality, her grandmother had lost herself in a The Man With the 132 lb. Scrotum marathon and forgot to look at the clock. Because every grandmother stays up watching The Man With the 132 lb. Scrotum.

In the end, the elderly woman had convinced June to give her every detail about her New Years Eve at Starbucks. She had nodded her curly, grey hair and appeared thoughtful. After about five minutes of silent contemplation, her grandmother finally asked June if she was pregnant and then proceeded to give her a two minute lecture on how she shouldn’t be afraid of the rubber.

Yes, her grandmother said “rubber”.

June’s cheeks were red in an instant.

She excused herself and sprinted to bed.

Last night she slept with her shoes and jacket on.

 “So...” Jessie cleared his throat. “Do you want to talk about the elephant in the room?”

“Not really, no,” June mumbled.

“Oh, come on!” Jessie started. He pointed at an area behind her head. “It’s so cute, why wouldn’t you want to talk about it?”

June’s turned and stared at a cute, little elephant that was curved from wood rather precisely. It was resting on a book shelf that lined the wall behind her. A soft smile formed on her lips as she picked up the miniature sculpture. “You’re hilarious,” she murmured as she placed the small animal on the table and stared at it. She didn’t know whether she was allowed to touch it since one side was fitted with an old, original-looking plaque but she did anyways just because.

The couple stared at the small, big animal.

“Should we steal it?” Jessie asked. He looked up excitedly and met June’s guilty eyes. She was actually considering stealing it.

They stared around the room suspiciously, wary of every prolonged gaze.

“Do you think they would notice?” June whispered.

Jessie scanned the room and focussed on something to one corner of the room. “There’s a security camera,” he responded resignedly. And then his eyes lit up. “But I know magic!”

June’s brows furrowed. “How is that going to help us steal this original piece that was probably curved way before I was even born?” she hissed.

Jessie rolled his eyes and reached for the animal. He held it in one hand – its four legs fit perfectly in his large palm. He twirled his other hand over his palm a couple of times and then waved it across the animal.

It disappeared.

June was nothing short of stunned.

“How did you...?” she muttered.

“My cousin in a street magician, he taught me everything he knows during our two week summer vacations for five years in a row,” Jessie explained. “I can make pretty much anything “disappear”.” He used his fingers to make quotation marks.

“We should probably bring it back in a few days,” June responded. “I feel sort of... bad for taking it.”

Jessie smiled confidently and nodded his head at the shelf behind her head. “It’s already back.”

June’s neck creaked as she rapidly turned and stared at the shelf where the elephant sat proudly, as though it hadn’t even been moved in the first place. She looked at Jessie with wide eyes and a slack jaw. June’s voice was barely over a whisper as she spoke, “How...?”


I’ve seen Dynamo do tricks like that so I know it’s possible :) I just don’t know how o.O If you do, please contact me! Haha

!!!To anyone that is reading Phoenix Knight: I am working on Chapter one of Devereaux, it’ll hopefully be up tomorrow evening :)

Byeeee <3 nfk350

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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June and Jessie's Christmas at Starbucks [On Hiatus // Jan 02]Where stories live. Discover now