Chapter 35

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Their lips caressed each other passionately and, although she did not have experience with such things, Evangeline found herself kissing him so ferociously, putting in it all her love for him, all the desire that had ever washed through her.

The care, the love which he handled her with made her feel on cloud nine, breaths mingling in together, luscious lips devoured, blood pumping faster through their veins, blush rising to the surface of their skin...

As one of Damon's hands left her face to rest on her waist, roughly gripping the flesh there and slowly pushing her body down on the couch, she touched his face tenderly, crossing her arms around his neck, fingers running through his hair. Her breasts were pressing against his warm, hard chest, causing her to moan out under his skilful touch that burned right through her clothes and into her skin, driving her wild. But the seductive sound of her moan made something click inside his brain and Damon suddenly stopped, lips mashed together, parted and heavy pants coming out of their mouths.

"Eva..." he whispered into her mouth and gulped, his throat suddenly dry. He pulled back yet the way she looked like made him want to kiss her all over again.

As she laid on her back, her hair was spread in waves on the surface of the suede couch, blending in with its black color. Evangeline's skin was hot, her lips all red and swollen, eyes glistening with lust, passion and love, and that was when Damon wished he could paint her laying like this, succumbed to her desires and her fantasies. She was so beautiful now that it felt as if the moment was ethereal, surreal, divine. The woman who laid beneath him had just revealed herself to him, soul and mind, not afraid of anything anymore, not living in the past, not being hounded by the memory of that day of her childhood. Spiritually, psychologically, she submitted to Damon, she gave herself to him for she loved the man that was now hovering above her.

And he could not believe it... she kissed him! What had gotten into her?

But, God, it felt so good, so right...

"I-... We shouldn't have done that..." Damon found himself saying, lust still consuming him. He chewed on his bottom lip for a second and then got up and rubbed his face.

They shouldn't have kissed... Was he right? What part of his being was whispering to him that what they did was wrong? Could it be his heart? Could it be that he did not feel anything for her? Their relationship was supposed to be purely platonic and yet...

"Fuck..." a soft mutter caught his attention and when he looked back at her, Evangeline was already up, about to grab the straps of her bag and leave.

"Eva..." his eyes softened as he took in her now disheveled figure and how the hurt in her heart was showing in her gestures. Her hands were shaking...

As she headed towards the front door, Damon quickly caught up with her and grabbed her upper arm, stopping her.

"Please, Damon, just..." she murmured, trying to release her arm from his grip.

"Why did you-..." he suddenly stopped, his words trailing off when she raised her head to look at him, letting tears spill from her eyes. Evangeline looked so vulnerable, so broken that he couldn't utter a word.

"I'm sorry." she croaked and swiftly got up on her tiptoes to peck his lips one last time. And before Damon could figure out exactly what was happening, she was already gone.


A respectful old lady on the bus asked her if anything was wrong, as she noticed the tear-stains on her cheeks, but Evangeline just forced a smile and shook her head. Was she truly okay? All she knew was that she did not want to think about it anymore. Maybe not everything had to be okay in life.

After she finally got home, ate and finished her homework,  Evangeline pondered on whether she should talk about it with her mother, or not. She felt like she was hiding something from her family, it was as if they were strangers to what actually bothered her, not teachers assigning difficult projects or not getting along with some classmates, but the real predicaments she stumbled upon ever since she met Damon.

'There isn't anything to talk about.' she concluded to herself and sighed, closing her eyes and changing for bed. 'It's done.'

The next morning when she woke up and turned on her phone, lots of notifications popped up on the screen; missed calls, voicemails, texts, they were all from him. And they were all saying pretty much the same thing: that he was sorry and that they needed to talk.

"What the hell is he sorry for?" she asked herself out loud. It did not matter anymore because he said that they shouldn't have done it, he said it himself... Evangeline just hoped to get him out of her system as soon as possible. But it hurt, it hurt so much...


She was not responding to his calls, texts, anything at all, ignoring every single one of his attempts to contact her. So he gave her -and himself as well- a couple of days to cool it off and to think about what they felt for each other.

At first, Damon thought it was strange how from a simple friendship it had got to this... But then he realized that the link between them could have never been called friendship. They had never been 'just mates'. From the very beginning, there was the so-called pull that Rose was talking about. Only now, after he kissed Evangeline, the sweet taste of her still lingering on his lips, did he look back on all the fiery looks and all the smiles and all the touches that they had shared...

And after he reflected on what his heart told him, he knew... he knew what he had to do.

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