Chapter 17

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"Today was great!" Rose giggled as Eva got out of the car, grinning like a fool. It was about 7:30 P.M. and the girls had already gone out and had fun, just like all the teenagers should. They enjoyed the time they spent together and all of it would sure turn into a bright memory which would warm their hearts years later.

"It totally was. Thank you, girls; I needed to clear my mind a bit." Evangeline sent them a wide smile which was returned immediately with two sympathetic ones. 

"Yeah... We had fun but it should have been a girls night out. It's only evening." Camille pouted at the both of them.

"It was night... on another side of the world." Evangeline chuckled. "I have a lot of homework to do anyways. And that Art assignment to finish... Ugh! But I really appreciate it and we should do it again sometime."

"I agree... But promise us you won't stress yourself so much, Eva." Rose said in an almost motherly tone. 

"I have this feeling that it's about that hottie... Damon... Was it?" Camille giggled and nudged her sister, causing her to laugh as well. Evangeline gasped as her eyebrows furrowed, but for a reason unknown to her, her cheeks went crimson red and she could not help it. Camille was right; Damon was the main cause of her worries, but not in the way she suggested.

Evangeline did not know what to do: choose the apparently easy way to find out and just tell him what that man had done to her... or refuse to reveal her sinful secret and risk probably the single opportunity she would ever have? With the help of Camille and Rose, she could, of course, find out from Darcy or her friends. But she was not that kind of person; she could not go behind Damon's back and break even the smallest amount of trust he had in her, even if it was for his own good. So she kept the promise she made on Sunday and thought about it; it was now Thursday and her head hurt from all the thinking. What should she choose? Should she make the deal or not?

She felt really bad for making him wait for so long. Damon told her he really wanted to know and now it was her turn to have the same doubts he had... The same doubts, the same wrinkles of deep thought on her forehead, the same cheek-biting as he had when she was so nice to him on all those days they had met.

"Come on, I told you that there's nothing romantic going on between us. I'd like to believe we're friends." Evangeline cleared her throat and a smile crept up on her face.

"God, look at that smile! I can tell..." Camille laughed again.

"You know I don't have time for something like that anyway." she shouted while walking toward the front door of her house.

"See you at school!" Evangeline waved at them and they drove off.


Evangeline rubbed her face and her eyes, exhaling and closing her notebook. Her homework was done. She relaxed her hands by playing with her fingers, and got up to brush her teeth and then to go to bed.

Yawning, she glanced at the clock on her nightstand and her eyes widened when she saw that it showed 2:10 A.M..

"Ugh! I'll barely get 5 hours of sleep." she muttered to herself and turned on the light to the bathroom, her tired expression reflecting in the mirror catching her eye.

"Sleep!" she whined childishly and began brushing her teeth in silence. Her eyes were closing on their own as she washed the brush and put it in the small glass destined for it. Just as she turned off the water after washing her mouth and hands, Evangeline heard her phone ring from the other room. She almost tripped while hurrying to answer it so the loud ringtone wouldn't wake up her parents and Addy.

"Who the hell..." she muttered to herself as the brightness of the screen hurt her eyes a bit. Even so, Evangeline could still very clearly see that it was Damon who was calling at such a late hour.

"Did you check the freaking time, Damon?" she groaned into the phone, wearing a deep frown of annoyance and surprise on her soft face. Why would he call her? Especially at 2A.M. in the morning...

"Excuse me, Miss. I-" an odd voice said into the phone and she could immediately notice that it was not Damon's.

Who was it? And what happened to Damon? Was he okay?

Terrible thoughts ran through her head, heat left her body and her voice wavered as she stuttered:

"W-who i-is this?"

"Max. I work at The Dark Pub and your... boyfriend here, Damon... he said his name was, is wasted." the man stated bluntly and from his voice Evangeline could tell he was just as tired and annoyed as her.

What was this Max saying? Did she really hear it correctly or did the noise in the background muffle his words?

"Uhmmm... W-what?" her eyebrows furrowed as she was using the last bit of energy that she had to ignore the headache and concentrate on what this man was telling her.

"You mean... Damon is drunk?"

"Yeah..." Max said in a heavy accent and Evangeline groaned, slapping her forehead.

"Look... I gotta close in about an hour so and he's way too drunk to drive back home. Can you come and pick him up?" he asked impatiently, surprising her.

"Couldn't you call his parents or something?" she whined, glancing at the clock.

"I don't really think it's a great idea. Besides, this guy told me to call you. You're... Eva, right?" the man laughed, but left Evangeline frowning.

'Why did Damon tell him to call me? One of his friends could pick him up.' she thought.

"Yes, I am..." Evangeline sighed after a few moments. "I-I'll come and get him. What's the address?"

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