Chapter Two

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This is not normal. This is not fucking normal and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about it! I've been tossing and turning in bed for hours. I can't sleep, I can't rest, I can't even think straight because of her. I turn to look at the time on the clock next to my bed, its 4.30 am and I went to bed three hours ago. I'm not even close to falling asleep and decide its time I get up or do something to relieve the tension that's threatening to take hold of me.

I throw the sheets off my body, stalking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I realise I'm being pretty loud and try to quieten my steps, I don't want to wake my parents or give them cause to worry. Rachel's staying at her mum's house tonight. She made it perfectly clear that I was welcome to stay there with her but I declined her offer. It's the last place I wanted to be after everything that happened tonight.

I make my way into the kitchen and switch on the cold tap, holding an empty glass underneath it. I gulp down the refreshing water in three large gulps, pouring myself another glass straight after. I close my eyes, trying to convince myself that the only reason I can't sleep is because it's my first night back home. I haven't been under the same roof as my parents for a long time and it's a strange and surreal feeling. Aaron, my younger brother will be back home in a couple of days and it almost feels like I've gone back in time. Its thirteen years ago and nothing has really changed.

I can try and fool myself that this is the reason for my sudden bout of insomnia. I can even try to convince myself that it's the excitement from being back home or from meeting my fiancé's family but I know all of this is a lie. The reason I can't sleep is because of her.

I'd love to be able to say that I'm referring to my fiancé. I'd love to believe that it's the idea of being separated from her, even for just one night that's too much to bear and I'm missing her like crazy. Again, this is not the truth. I can't sleep because I cannot get the thought, image, voice or face of my fiancé's sister out of my God damn head. The idea of her has been etched into my brain with permanent marker, I don't have a clue how to erase it or even if I really want to.

The truth is I spotted her as soon as she walked in. I was at the other end of the room, bored out my mind and stuck talking to one of Rachel's uncles or someone equally unimportant. I was nodding my head, tuning out the words he was saying whilst trying to look interested when I first saw her walk in. My mouth opened and I couldn't help the small gasp that escaped my lips. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her and watched her in fascination, studying every single move she made. I had no idea who she was at this point, I knew she must have been one of Rachel's friends or relations but didn't even consider the possibility that she was her sister.

I couldn't understand why she looked so terrified. Her eyes were wide and her whole body was tense, no one made an effort to greet her or start a conversation but for some reason I felt like she didn't really care. I saw Miranda, Rachel's mum hurry over towards her and drag her into the corner. It was at this point that I made my excuses to the unknown relative I was speaking to and sprung across the room to Rachel's side. She was involved in her own conversation and seemed oblivious to the frightened girl's presence. I desperately wanted to interrupt her and demand she tell me who the girl was. I was starting to get the hideous suspicion that it could be Rachel's younger sister but didn't want to face such a possibility. She had captivated me in a way I couldn't even begin to describe and it would make things ten thousand times worse if I found out she was going to be my sister-in-law.

I glanced over at her out of the corner of my eye and fought the anger building up inside of me when I saw the way her mum was treating her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it was obvious that she was being scolded for being late or something like that. I was so, so tempted to race over there and put a stop to it. I felt like I wanted to protect her and get her out of there, it made no sense but that's exactly what I felt.

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