Chapter Three

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When my eyes open, I am aware I am not in my ice palace. Oh yes that's right. It was wrecked. Brilliant. I look around the room. No one here. Just me. Then I see the light of the window, and I jump out of the bed and run for it, but something stops me. Shackles. No. They've caught me. The door opens and Hans walks in. His frame shaking. Were is Anna? Oh yeah...dead. Everyone I love gone. Hans tries to ask me to bring summer back, but I can't. I don't know how. Before Hans leaves he turns,

"I'm sorry for your loss." He says.

"I know...Anna meant a lot-"

"I'm not talking about Anna. I mean Frost. Jack Frost. He died in the forest when you sent him away. Yeah. Froze to death they say. Shame." Hans almost laughs as he walks out the door. No. This can't be happening. Then comes the dark.

"Elsa. Elsa. Elsa." My blood runs cold.

"Who's there?" I call out. A cackle makes my spine tingle.

"The names Pitch. Pitch Black."


When I open my eyes, North and Bunny are sat next to me. I slowly sit up.

"G'day mate." Bunny smiles, "how are you?"

"Okay. But I need to get back to Arendelle. Someone is in trouble. It's Pitch he wants this girl..." I begin.

"Jack slow it. Listen to me. Elsa, yes I know her, she is dead. She died centuries ago. You went back in time. I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to happen like this. Then Pitch chased you and..." North stopped talking, for I had frozen everything.

"So... I'll never see her again." I ask.

"You can go back. But you can't stay there and still be a guardian. You can save her but you must return." Bunny explained. My heart, which I'm not sure still beats, broke. There and then did I realise how much I loved Elsa.


"I'm sorry mate. C'mon North. I think he needs some hot chocolate." Bunny says,

"No. Just...leave me alone." I whimper. I put my legs up and my elbows on my knees and hang my head. Elsa. My Elsa. Gone. We can't be together. Never. Unless.... "NORTH!" He comes booming in.


"If I can't go there can I bring Elsa here?" I ask. He thinks for a moment, shuffles around his office for a big old book. It's title and words are in a language beyond me. So I sit and wait.

"Perhaps." He grins. Yes! I can be with her! I leap up and grab my staff.

"I need to go back to that time!" I say. North nods and brings out some odd contraption.

"Good luck Jack Frost." He grins and then I am sucked into a portal.

"Bloody hell!" I cry as I hit the snowy floor. It took me a while to get it together but soon I was flying to Elsa's old home, Arendelle. I carefully landed outside the gates.

Hans was stood there.

"Jack!?" He gasped.

"Where is she? Where is Elsa?" I snapped pointing my staff at him. Hans flinched and the pointed to the dungeons. I looked there and then at him. He looked away and I took off. I looked through the window of the dungeon closest. Luckily it was Elsa's. "Elsa!" I hissed. She looked up weakly.

"Jack! I thought... I thought you were dead?" She gasped. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Same! Hey listen to me. It's gonna be alright. We ... We're going to have some fun!" I smirk.

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