chapter six

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There's a tapping on the metal, I turn over and look at the boy standing there. Jack! I reach out for him and he smiles at me.

"Jack ..." I say, it's barley classed as a whisper. I touch his face, thinking he is here to save me, but he turns to black sand. "Jack!" I cry hoarsely. I sit up and look, it wasn't Jack. It was a shape shifting nightmare. Pitch laughs and appears at my cage side.

"Any more power?" He asks. I cower in the corner and he has a flicker of guilt, which then is replaced by and evil smirk.

"Why? Why do you want to take Jack and the Guardians down?" I ask. He throws his head back and yells,

"She's asks why!" Then he looks at me, "because I hate having them suck up all the glory. You need fear. And fear I shall give!" He hollers and I spit I his face.

"You'll never do it!" I hiss. He wipes his face mad shoves the cage. I hit my head on some part of it and I know I am unconscious.


I sit in the sleigh with my head in my hands. Sandman puts his hand on my shoulder and Bunnymund comforts me.

"It is my fault. I told her that she doesn't understand. It's almost like I told her to go. Be lucky if she ain't dead when we get there!" I moan. Tooth gasps.

"Oh shut it Tooth we are comforting him!" Bunny snaps. She glares at him and goes to sit by North. None of this makes me feel better.

"We're here." North announces. The Moon is out. Manny is probably watching us. "Wish us Luck old friend." North says to the moon. Everyone except me creeps up to the sinister, old bed. The wood is rotten and old and breaking. Tooth leans over it.

"Hey! There's a hole leading somewhere. The lair I expect?" She smiles proudly. Then the noises down the hole start. Nightlings lash out at Tooth. I run forward, aiming my staff at them, but they have her, and they drag her down. "Jack!" She screams as her face vanishes.

"Tooth!" Calls North coming over to the hole. "Did she fall?"

"No. Nightlings." I mumble. Everything I care about is going. I know I'm walking straight into Pitchs trap. I figured it out after Elsa was taken. I realised that he was using us against her and then he took her to get to me. Like he took Bunny to get to her in the head. And think it was her fault. "I should've listened to her." I mutter.

"Enough of that." Bunny snaps, but it know he agrees with me. I should've grabbed her when she stood up and listened. I should've let my anger simmer and not explode. "Come on mate. Stop thinking about what could've happened and think about what IS going to happen?!"

"We'll find her dead?"

"YOU--" he sighs and kicks the floor, hard, "Be optimistic. No she's not dead, she's going to be there, alive and we will Kill Pitch Once And For All..." It seems that rant took it out of Bunny because he is out of breath. I chuckle.

"There's the Bunny I know." I smirk.

"And there's the Jack I love." Bunny says slapping me on the back and then we all descend into Pitchs lair.


"Get off me!" I struggle in the Nightlings grip. It leaves me in a cage. I hug my legs to my chest, thinking I am all alone, when someone whimpers. I look to my left and see her. Elsa! She's laying on the floor of the cage, her hair is no longer white, but those eyes only belong to her and her alone. Not Jack. "Elsa!" I say crawling to the left of my small cage. She looks up and I see how weak she is. I reach over and she makes herself as well. Our hands touch and I shoot mine back, they are freezing. Her power isn't like any of ours and I know she'll die if the others don't turn up.

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