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Everything was going on consummate ,Naima and Arham were going to uni. in first year of medical with it they customarily visited Professor Hamid.

After reorienting their religion ,when they encountered Hania and Daniel ,they were eulogized because of this good turn .Hania was very exhilarated to know that Jennie was no more Jennie ,she was Naima and their son is now espousing upon the same religion followed by his parents.

 That night Hania pleaded Naima to stay with her, she repudiated many times but due to Hania's enforcement she spent that night with her,the whole night Hania kept on telling her allegories about her and Daniel ,that how difficult it was for them to be together.But the thing which has to be done is always done ,and today they were together because it was their fate.

Naima asked Hania ,"is it pure love?" Hania beamed and said, "yes we can call it"..

Naima said, "is the reason you both are very happy together and your house is a perfect home ,just because of pure love?".

Hania looked at her she was watching roof lying in bed,"no dear"..she said ,Naima momentarily turned to her with her anoetic eyes,"no? you mean love is not necessary?"Naima catechized ,

Hania said,"yes dear! love is not always must,she continued.

Once a man came to hazrat Umer (R.A) and said, "I want to leave my wife because I don't love her".

Hazrat Umer replied , 

Must every house be built on Love?

What about loyalty and appreciation?"

"But I think people totally revolt when love is finished from them",Naima said."No people don't revolt because there are many other things important for making home,what's in your fate ,you have to face all that ,now its up to you ,face it happily or start feeling yourself unlucky"Hania continued...

Naima was totally out of world ,there was equanimity inside out.At that spot,she envisaged the world at peace ,because there was always williwaw in her to think about her future that she will never be able to love.But now she came to know that there are few things paramount than love like allegiance ,homage ,care and gratitude.These feelings can be bloomed by a person's discretion.So, she was more or less calmed down by hearing her words.She was thinking all this by closing her eyes when the words of Hania ringed in her mind,she was saying.

-When you feel all alone in this world And there is nobody to count your tears ,just remember no matter where you are Allah knows ,Allah knows...

May be Hania was acquainted with her condition ,and her loneliness in crowd, so wanted to make her understood the true necessity of life which never belongs to people but the Creator,the Master of universe ,from where our feelings are not just respected but are always responsed.Naima beamed with her closed eyes.


She went on her quotidian visit to the mosque.Professor Hamid was very delighted to see Naima and Arham as much committed to Din ,He customarily advised both of them that

-"Every minute of our life in dunya (earth) is precious .We must utilize it to win the unseen treasures of Akhirah".

Naima came near him and greeted him with a smile ,Professor Hamid as usual took her to the same room in which she used to read Islamic education with few other students.

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