Part 6

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The next morning Ian forgot everything that happened so he just went on with his day not worried about anything. His Dad confronts him saying, "Ian. Um, I wanted to just say sorry for the way I treated you your whole life. I would do anything to make it up to you, no matter how much it costs, just don't bankrupt me. I will buy you a new guitar, redo your room the way YOU want it, I'll do anything!" Ian is shocked and doesn't know what to do. With his Dad who has hated him his whole life pleading at his feet praying to god that Ian would actually let him make up 15 years of bonding. Ian didn't know what to do. "Um. When I think of something I will let you know. Right now I ju-" he paused to think of something to say, "I just need some space." Standing back up his Dad says, "Ok Ian. I'll give you space. I love you." "Love you too Dad." His Dad is surprised to hear those words out of Ian's mouth. After 15 years, he has always wanted to hear those words. I love you.

"Hey Mom?!"

"Yes Ian?!"

"Come here please!"


"Come in and close the door."

"What do you want sweet pea?"

"Did you talk to Dad last night cause he pleaded at my door wanting me to accept his offerings basically?"

"Yes I did. But, he realized what he did. And he felt guilty so I told him to buy you anything you wanted until you forgave him."

"Oh ok. So how long do I have till he gets over this?"

"Hahaha. I don't know. Hmmm, maybe a week or so."

"Alright. Hahaha."

They laugh together, hug then go about their day. Ian gets his Dad to make his room all twenty øne piløts themed, TØP walls, pillows, flags, curtains, everything. He also got a brand new Martin guitar, brand new music toys, a collar, and beds for his dog Bodie. Was able to convince him to get stuff for Avery, Shiloh, Tessa, George, Logan, Beth, and Mom. Not bankrupting him yet.

Meanwhile Laurina isn't having the best time. Her Mom and Dad went into her room tore it up looking for something. "Mom? Dad? Why did you tear up my room?" Still looking her Mom says, "Your little brother said you took his favorite pen."

"Why in the world would I do that? I don't even like his stuff let alone him!"

"That's very rude of you to say young lady!"

"But Mom it's true! I-"

"I don't care! Give me the pen or we are going to throw out everything in this room."

From his room her little brother says, "Mommy I found it!"

"Ok sweetie!" Her Mom and Dad walk out of the room dropping everything and don't pick back anything. "Are you serious?" Laurina whispers, staring at all of her stuff. She's been planning on running away for about a month, where she's gonna go, how she's gonna get there, what she's gonna pack, how she's gonna get money, all of that. She finally decides to do it. Laurina packs her stuff, cleans her room and makes it look like she just rearranged a few things. That night she puts her suitcase full of clothes and her favorite stuff outside so that the next morning she can go to where she wants to go. The next morning, she gets ready for school like usual, says she's going to the bus stop but she actually goes to the local park, and waits until her parents leave for work. Now its 10:47am and she gets her suitcase and starts heading for Los Angeles, she lives in Huntington Park which is about 6 miles away. It took her 1 hour and about 50 minutes to walk there. She stole about 1 hundred dollars from her Mom and Dads wallets the night before and she couldn't find a cheap hotel, so she slept on the street and only ate stuff she found at the local gas station. When her parents got home, they didn't even realize that Laurina was gone, her school didn't even call home to see where she was.
She finally found an alleyway to sleep in, it obviously smelt like trash because there were maybe 5 dumpsters there and rats the size of a tissue box. It didn't bother her much, she just needed one night of sleep and that was it. She feels something touching her leg. She opens her eyes and sees that it's a raccoon. She freezes, petrified that if she moved it would attack her. Laurina couldn't hold it in any longer, she screamed and kicked it into the dumpster in front of her. It attacked her, scratching her face and body, making holes in her clothes and a few scratches on her suitcase that she was using as a pillow. She finally grabbed her suitcase and ran up the street more into the city. She decided not to sleep that night, and just to walk the streets and sit on benches until she got yelled at for trespassing. She found a gas station with chairs inside, went in and set her stuff next to a chair. She hasn't eaten in hours because she was to busy thinking about what she could've done when the raccoon attacked. She bought some chips and a water, sat down and ate it. She was really tired so she bought a coffee, which she's never had before. She drank it and it kept her awake for the whole night, because her body isn't used to all the caffeine.

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