Part 18

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As soon as they sit down, there's already a problem. Samantha walks in with Jimmy following her in fear. Samantha walks up to Laurina's table and points to the floor, Jimmy gets on his hands and knees for Samantha to sit on his back.

"So Ian. Have you changed your mind yet?"

"About what?"

"Hanging out with the cool kids of course."

"I already am hanging out with the cool kids."

"These doofs are cool? You gotta be kidding."

"Would I be kidding if I did this?" He reaches over the table to grab Ashley and Elodie with his right arm, then grabs Laurina with his left, kisses her, then hugs everyone.

"Did you just-"

"Kiss Laurina? Yes I did and if you don't mind sitting in a chair because there is a very valuable person under your worthless butt."

"Oh. You mean this?" she says pointing to Jimmy, "oh yea, he's not valuable. Why else would I be sitting on him?"

"Just because we don't fit your standards of cool, doesn't mean we aren't. And just because Jimmy is in a financial crisis and can't afford much, doesn't make him worthless and not valuable. I will have you know, Jimmy is a very nice guy, he's funny, kind, and sweet hearted. I know a very little amount of people that would be able to make a small adorable little rat his best friend. Why is the rat his best friend? Because judgmental people like you are on this Earth, contaminating it with your filthy, dirty, rotten face, mind, body, and personality. And the people who may not have much to eat, drink, have in their possession know how to treat a person with respect and dignity. And you are not one of those people. Ashley, Elodie, Jackie, Jimmy, Ian, his best friend Logan, and myself know how to do that and know how it feels to be pushed down into a deep, dark, crappy hole and to have the ones you love dearest in your heart betray you, and that is not what is going to happen right now. So if you don't mind, get off of my friend." Laurina says slowly getting into Samantha's face. After she finishes, she pushes Samantha off of Jimmy and helps Jimmy stand up. Everyone in the room started clapping, except Samantha and everyone at Laurina's table. Everyone at the table was shocked that Laurina said anything like that, and that much at one time.

"Thank you." Jimmy says shaking Laurina's hand viciously.

"No problem. Wanna sit down?"

"No, she pulled me out of one of my classes. I need to get back to it. But thank you anyway."

"Yea." She sits down proud, scared, and shaking.

"That was amazing." Ian says rubbing her back.

"Well, someone had to do it. Ian, I know you night have done it, but Ashley and Elodie are too scared to do it.

"We are not." Elodie yells.

"Are too."

"Are not."


Sixth period rolls by, lunch time. Everyone was congratulating Laurina on another victory against Samantha.

Meanwhile at Samantha's lunch table. "Why is she all of a sudden so powerful?" No one answered because no one was sitting with her. They thought that because Laurina was beating her, she wasn't cool anymore, "It's Ian. Ever sense he's been around her, oh my god. They're dating. Ever sense he's been with her, she's been, more confident or whatever. How do I take her over? Oh! Get rid of Ian." She finishes her food, stands up, throws it out, and goes to the bathroom to fix her make up. While she's doing her make up she thinks of ways to get rid of him. Rumors? Embarrassment? Murder? No, she doesn't want to go to jail. Realization? Destruction? All of the above. Once she finishes, it's time for Seventh Period. This period she get her plan ready. Laurina and Ian are in English. Ashley, Jackie, and Elodie are in lunch, there's three different lunch periods, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh. Next is Eighth, it goes by quick, so does Ninth period.

Laurina needs to stay after to catch up with homework, Jackie and Annie help her with it. Jackie, Annie, Laurina, and Ian are at Laurina's locker. They're just talking, then Samantha walks by. She sets up a camera by the stairs looking onto Laurina's locker with everyone there. No one else is in the hallway, that's why Samantha sets up the camera, so everyone can see. Samantha walks behind them and makes it look like Ian dropped a "used" tampon, which was a tampon Samantha found in her purse with ketchup and red kool-aid on it. Samantha turns around and points to it, "Oh my god, Ian. Why did you have a used tampon in your pocket?"

"I didn't."

"Oh come on Ian. It's perfectly align with your right pocket. How could you not have it?"

"Why would I carry a used tampon in my pocket? One, that is very unsanitary and two, gross."

"It was you, stop lying. Oh and is this some coffee?" She grabs his coffee travel mug from the side pocket in his backpack and dumps it on him. It was still hot, and he managed to not drink it all, so the mug was about half full. "Oops. My bad. Maybe tomorrow you shouldn't hang out with these losers, ok? Good, glad we cleared that up." She walks away and grabs the camera, Elodie noticed she was grabbing the camera. Ashley pulled out a towel from her bag and gave it to Laurina who helped Ian clean up. Jackie just stood there in shock. Samantha is laughing down the hall. Ian surprisingly started to cry. Well, it was a surprise for everyone except Ian. In his school, he got bullied everyday for how he had his hair done, him singing a lot, and him wearing so many bracelets. The last thing they did to him, was pour his coffee on him. It was a mug full of boiling hot coffee because they had just gotten to school. They would also call him cactus because of how chapped his lips were. He never wore chapstick so his lips would get really chapped.

"Ian stop crying. You're gonna make me cry." Laurina says wiping away some of his coffee filled tears.

"I-I just can't believe yo-you have to deal with thi-this everyday. And now, I'm a victim of it."

"Yea, it's sad, but I deal with it everyday, so I got used to it. But I didn't think she would do anything to you. Screw homework, we need to get you home."

"But Laurina-"

"I don't care. You're more important to me than homework."

"Okay love birds, time to go." Ashley says pushing them away from each other.

"I need to tell my mom." Laurina grabs her phone and calls her mom, "Hey mom, I can't stay after. The teacher's not here, and Ian got coffee spilt all over him. Yea. I will. Promise. Yep. Ok. Thank you. Love you. Bye. Okay my mom's on her way."

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