Part 24

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Laurina is laying on the floor. The pen she used to write the note is now in her chest. There is a warm puddle of blood all around her. The note has a little blood on the bottom right corner.

The note says: "Ian, if you see this. I couldn't take it anymore, as you can tell. Please keep this note and all of my things, yes everything. And as you, hopefully are on your way to come get me, I've said everything that I love about you. Your eyes, hair, lips, nose, jawline, when you talk to me, your love for your family, your kindness, your laugh, your sense of humor, your hugs, when your veins pop out on your arms and hands, our long conversations, your inability to dance. I hope you love everything about me as I love everything about you. I want you to be happy. And I know this was a selfish act, but I can't handle being in this hell hole I need to call home. I love you and your family. When Brian said he loved me like a daughter my heart dropped. I tried saying I love you too, but the police took me away too fast. I want you to be happy. As I already said. I love you, Tessa, Avery, Shiloh, Beth, Logan, George, Jackie, Logan, Annie, Elodie, Ashley and everyone else that I couldn't mention. Goodbye. Till we meet again. Remember me. Laurina." Her words were written fast so they were a little hard to read.

Ian crawls over to Laurinas body. Holds her head in his lap. And starts singing, Can't Help Falling in Love. Tears still rolling down his face and onto hers. He sings it continuously until the police come to take her away. Ian takes the note and puts it in his pocket before the police could take it. He stays in her room while they cleaned up the blood out of her carpets. He keeps thinking to himself, "Why couldn't we have gotten here faster?" "What would've happened if I did something to her mom?" "Why her?" He stands up, and walks into the dinning room where Laurinas mom and Dad were and says, "Why couldn't you have loved her for who she was? A nice, lovable person who just wanted her parents to love her instead of abuse her. Why? Why'd you have to treat her like a rat, then her little brother like a king? Tell me. Why?"

"Because she looked like one."

"She actually looked like a bright summers day when you're in the meadow listening to the birds chirping and the most relaxing song ever. In her opinion it was my song Better."

"Okay? Well you BETTER get out before I make you."


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Laurinas mom walks over to him, and slaps him like she did to Laurina the day she got kicked out. He falls to the floor. Feels his face and notices blood. He goes to the kitchen to clean it up, and grabs a knife. He sneaks up behind her mom and slices her throat. Laurinas Dad runs into the room after he heard her squeal for the last time, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting revenge."

"Revenge for what?"

"You killing the love of my life."

"I didn't kill her, she killed herself."

He runs up to him and slices his throat. Ian realizes what he did and drops the knife. He runs outside where his dad is and he says, "What happened?"

"I killed them."


"Her parents."

Brian runs inside and is in disbelief. He follows Ian into Laurina's room and says, "Ian. Wake up. We need to leave. Come on. Let's go. I realize she's gone, but people die sometimes. I'm sorry, but we need to leave." Ian wakes up. There's a blood stain on the floor. Police outside and Brian rubbing his back for comfort. "Where are they?"

"They police are outside."

"No. Her parents."

"Oh, they're talking to the police."

Ian takes a huge sigh of relief. "I'm ready. But we need to come back for her stuff."


"Because she said I could have it all." He pulls out the letter, "See, right there it says I can have all of her things."

"It does. He need to show this to the police though."

"They can't take it."

"They have to. It's evidence. They need it."


"Ian, come on."

"This is the most recent thing I have of her. I'm not letting it go."

"I'll see if we can."

They show it to the police, and they let Ian keep the note. When Ian and Brian leave, Ian looks out the window and stares at Laurina's house still heartbroken.

A couple days later, is the funeral. Ian's family pays for the whole thing. Laurinas family only chose the place to have it at, their house. It's cheaper, and they didn't have to travel far and waste gas. As the funeral goes on, it's time for people to say a few words. Laurina's mom and dad are first. "Laurina was my favorite child. She had everything she could've ever wanted and needed. She had food, a roof over her head, and a family that loves her. I am devastated to say that she killed herself in her room full of all the things she loved." She starts to fake cry. Her and Laurina's Dad walk to their seats with the rest of her family clapping and also pretending to cry.

It's Ian's turn now. He walks up and starts to say, "Laurina, was my favorite person. She was my world and my everything. Since I met her, I've been with her through everything. Even though it was only maybe a month. I can say she was my first love. I gave her everything she wanted and or needed. Unlike her parents. I loved her. My dad loved her. My siblings loved her. My friends loved her. Everyone in my family that met her loved her. But everyone in her family hated her. There was only a few select people who actually cared about her, and they she could only see them at school, WHICH the whole school hated her anyways. Especially Samantha. But anyways," he turns to face her casket and says, "I love you. I always will. I will try to be happy. Just for you. But there's two things I want to know. I will remember you, and will you please, remember me." He starts crying as he walks back to sit next to Brian.

Brian with Tessa, Avery, Shiloh, and the rest of the family walk up now. "I, Brian, have treated Laurina like my own. I fed her. Gave her clothes. And gave her love. She was like my own daughter. She had a few psychological issues, but those were easily fixed by my son Ian."

Tessa steps up, "It was fun to give her a makeover. She was awesome. Sorry I do t have much to say to you Laurina, but we really didn't hang out much."

Shiloh just said, "Thank you for the fun times." Avery said the same thing. The rest of the family said something similar to what Shiloh and Tessa said.

Ian and the rest of his family give each other a big hug, and cry together. Laurina's family just went straight to the free food.

Laurina was buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Los Angeles. Her headstone said, "Laurina S. Dinkolmitch 'Remember Me' Oct. 8, 2001- Feb. 14 2017"

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