Chapter Three: Just My Luck

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Madison's P.O.V.

We arrived at the mall twenty minutes later. The first shop we decided to go to was 'Forever 21', it was our lucky day cause most of the shops we went had sales on, only 21% off or buy one get the next half price but it's better than nothing right?

"Maddie! Look at this dress".

I walked towards the aisle Kourtney was in and saw her holding up to the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. It was an aqua coloured dress, it was long with a slit up the leg so you could see your legs when you walk, it had a sweetheart neckline with silver beaded straps and it was cut at the back. It would definitely show off my curves and just the right amount of cleavage. I stared at the dress in awe, Kourtney always did have a good fashion sense.

"Oh my Gosh, Kourtney it's gorgeous! You should so get it for prom" I really wanted it cause it's my favourite colour plus it would match my eyes but Kourtney saw it first so I guess she gets dibs...

"It's not for me, you idiot, I picked it out for you" she said while rolling her eyes.

"Really? Are you sure? You saw it first!"

"Positive" Kourtney clarified.

"Well in that case... I LOVE IT!".

"Knew you would now shut up and try it on".

"Yes Ma'am" I joked while pretending to be a soldier, we both started laughing and I made my way into one of the changing rooms.


Justin's P.O.V

"Got your disguises guys?" I asked Fredo, Christian, Ryan and Chaz.

We decided to get out of the hotel room and go to the mall and since I'm basically the most famous teenager with the most fans and paparazzi following me 24/7, I hate to wear disguises so the pap don't find me. Like seriously if I bumped into a girl the headlines the next day would be 'Teenage Pop star Justin Bieber has a new girlfriend and she's pregnant'.

"Yeah bro, we're gonna look like bank robbers though" Chaz joked.

"Well it's better than millions of girls attacking us and trying to rape us" I said.

"Hey, I'm not complaining" typical Chaz

"With Chaz it wouldn't be rape' We all laughed at Fredo's remark, those dudes really did know how to make you laugh.

"OK guys leggo" I laughed trying to get them, to shut up so I can go to the mall and hopefully get a couple of hot girls numbers.

We all put on our hats and sunglasses and quickly made our way inside.

Scooter said we could go out but only stay for like 4 hours cause I've got to be back to rehearse for my concert here in L.A. We walked in through the front doors of the mall and gladly nobody noticed me.

The first shop we went to was Adidas to buy new sneakers, I need to get news ones anyways....


I ended up getting five pairs of sneakers and basketball shorts. Ryan and Chaz got a pair each and Fredo and Christian just looked at me and laughed at the fact that I got more sneakers.

"Dude I'm pretty sure you've got enough shoes for every single day of the year"

"Chris you're just jealous that you haven't got swag like me"

He just rolled his eyes and walked away. He was trying to do that whole 'walk away dramatically' thing but he bumped into this girl who fell on the ground with a big thump. Gotta say from the glimpse I sawn of her she looked pretty hot, nice ass too in that cheerleading outfit..way to go Chris bump into a hot cheerleader. Ha smooth Christian, real smooth!.


Madison's P.O.V

I tried the dress on and I'm not one of those people who always brag about shit and are always full of themselves constantly 'oh look at me' but damn did I look hot! When I walked out to Kourtney she started whistling causing the people in the shop to look at us and just when I thought she couldn't get any more embarrassing oh boy was I proven wrong

"If I were a boy even just for a day I would totally go on a date with you and make sure to make some babies too" She started to sing the Beyoncé song but making up her own lyrics that didn't even sound right. This girl is crazy.

"Kourtney shut up you're embarrassing me!" I groaned

She just laughed and told me to go pay for the dress. I walked up to the cashier and payed for the dress, it was really expensive like $687 expensive but my mom gave me money to buy my prom dress. The next stop on Kourtney and I's little shopping spree list was Adidas to buy new sweatpants and stuff for shear practice.

As I made my way into the store I bumped into this guy and fell to the floor, I hit my head on the door and instantly felt dizzy.

"Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you OK?" The guy who knocked me down said while picking me up off the ground.

"Uh, I, Yeah I'm fine um its OK.." I said looking up at him only to result in me seeing two of him.

I was so dizzy right now and I suddenly felt this urge to puke so that's exactly what happened I puked all over the guys shoes, I should've been embarrassed and wanted to run away and lock myself away from everyone and everything but in that moment I didn't care because I couldn't think straight in fact I couldn't think of anything at all. The last thing I remember was his beautiful eyes looking into mine and the worried expression on Kourtney's face before I completely blacked out.


Kourtney's P.O.V Madison passed out. Maddie never passes out.

I stare down at her limp body on the cold floor with my mouth agape and arms outstretched.

Throw-up shoes is staring down at Maddie, too, but his eyes are worried and his ears are flushed.

"Well don't just stand there! Do something! Help her!" I cry. First he knocks her down and then he lets her faint and doesn't even move?? What's this guy's deal?

Throw-up shoes hesitates then bends down and tries to shake Madison awake while one of his D-Bag friends calls for a janitor. His other friend has pale big hands with slim fingers that are vaguely familiar to me.

"Uh, do I know you from somewhere?" I inquire to him, bitchier than I intended.

Pale hands shoes freezes. Madison stirs in her sleep and mumbles something unintelligible. My insides churn.

"I don't think so," the guy says. His voice is deep, but in a faked kind of way. Like a pubescent boy trying to speak like his father.

"Look at me," I demand.

Pale hands shoes stands up very slowly, Madison in his arms. Our eyes meet. I scream.

"NO!" I holler over and over again. "NO! NO! NO! ITS NOT YOU! NO WAY!" Everyone in the store is looking at me funny.

"Ma'am?" A sale's attendant says. "If you don't calm down, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Doesn't she know who I am? Never mind that.

Throw-up shoes isn't throw-up shoes at all. I know those eyes--like rain on the desert soil, calm after a hurricane, sunlight after snow. Those eyes belong to Justin. As in, Justin Bieber.

I can't stop screaming.

Throw up shoes, who is actually Justin's friend, looks so worried and scared. He doesn't know whether to drop Madison and run or to knock me out cold.

"Shh, shh, shh!" Justin hisses at me through his perfect white teeth.

I clamp my lips together. His friends exchange edgy glances.

Tears of joy are welling up in my eyes and spilling over my eyelids, in streams down my cheeks.

"Can we go somewhere in private?" One of his friends whom I can recognize--he has Ryan's eyes-- finally asks.

I nod eagerly. Madison stirs in her unconsciousness again.

A long walk outside the mall to an alley later, Justin hands Madison back to me to hold and begins explaining everything. All he says to me, however, goes through one ear and out the other.

"What do you want?" he demands eventually, exasperated.

I smirk, smug. "Backstage passes."

"What?!" his friends shout at the same time. But I've already won.

Check mate.


Ok hi guys It's Ezzie but my names Emma so I'm just going to say that from now on. Ok so I'm pretty sure no ones reading this cause we literally haven't updated in years, but I haven't been in touch with Glitter and I've just been so lazy and i really don't like writing but I'm doing this now cause I'm waiting for The Originals to load, lol it's so good sorry, anyways I'll try get in contact with Glitter but we most likely won't update a lot it really does depend. If any of you like this book (well the three chapters so far) just comment and let us know.

My Twitters: @MCCXNNSRAUHLInstagram: @emma_doranxo

Emma & Glitter

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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