How You Meet Liam

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As Soon As You Walked Out Of The Locker Room For Trek Practice You Automatically Feel Eyes On You, And Special Eyes Caught Your Attention Liam Dunbar.

So Your Doing Your Usual 5 Laps Around The Football Field, And All Of A Sudden A Hard Football Hit Your Head. "Are You Okay" Says Liam, I Looked At Him With A Very Mad/Upset Expression On My Face " Does It Look I Am" I Say, And Great I Had A Black Eye.

"Look Let's Get You Cleaned Up" He Says, "Fine". We Walk Into The Unisex Locker Room And He Starts Cleaning The Spot Where I'm Bruised And A Little Blood. "Look I'm Sorry I Didn't Mean-" I Cut Him Off By Brushing My Lips On His Lips I Couldn't Resist.

"Wow" He Says, "Can I Please Get Your Number" Smiling Happy Yet Nervously. "Sure" You Say

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