How You Meet Issac

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As Your Walking To Your Favorite Store In The Mall ( Hollister ). You Notice They Have Their Models Outside Their Store Today SHIRTLESS.
As Your Walking Into The Store One Of The Guys Stops You And Says "God Your Beautiful" You Blush So Hard And Your Face Looks Like A Watermelon.

"Likewise" You Say, He Blushes Hard Too.

As Your Looking At Sweatpants, You Hear Someone Say "Those Would Look Sexy On You Babe". I Turn Around And See The Same Guy From The Front.

As Your Leaving The Store You See Him. "By The Way Whats Your Name" You Say, "Issac"

"Wow What A Sexy Name" I Say, As He Was Gonna Say Something I Said "See You Tomorrow Issac". And I Hear Him Yell "LIKEWISE", And I Laugh A Little To Myself.

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