Chapter 5

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"Erica is gonna die soon, Hotch" said Morgan

"We're five days in, and we have lots, Morgan" said Prentiss

"Morgan is right, the survival rate now for Erica is getting lower" said Reid

"Guys, they just found a body in the Cobb Inlet. Female, with Erica's characteristics. They want some agents to confirm if its Ericas body." JJ announced, walking in

"Prentiss and I'll go," Rossi stood.

"I hate it when this happens." Prentiss followed Rossi out the door.

"I just hope it's not her," JJ quietly whispered.

"I think we all do, JJ." replied Morgan, who had apperantly heard her.


"God, it's so hot hot out." remarked Prentiss

"Welcome to Texas," replied a police officer who was guiding them to the body.

"Are you sure it might be her?" asked Rossi

"I have no idea. We just know about the case and were told to keep an eye out for a body with the characteristics they mentioned." She walked down the hill. "Ah, there she is."

"That's not Erica." said Rossi

"That girls been dead for awhile now. Thanks for bringing us down though." said Prentiss, following Rossi back up the hill.

Rossi dialed Hotch's number. "Not her," he said

"Then we know there's a chance she may still be alive," Hotch hung up.

Prentiss' phone rang. "Yeah?" she answered

"Prentiss? Oh, hi. Are you with the others?" asked Garcia

"Not at all, we're making our way else where. Why?"

"Well, 9-1-1 just got the creepiest call." replied Garcia

"Let's hear it," Prentiss said, putting her phone on speaker

"Okay." Garcia played the message.

"This is 9-1-1. What is your emergency?"

"Please help me. My wife's gone crazy."

"Where are you sir?"

"I can't tell you that. It will foil my plan."

"Sir, I thought you said that your wife had gone crazy."

"She has. Mad with power. So have I."

"Sir, calm down. Where are you, I can get help immediately."

You then heard some scuffling around, then a female voice came on. "Hahaha. Won't you be a darling and erase this message?" Then you heard screams coming from the backround. Then a female voice from the backround said; "Please dad, no. I love you. Please!" Then some cries and screams.

"Sir, is everyone alright?"

"No." and the message ended.

"That wasn't the slightest bit creepy." said Rossi

"I would need a stronger adjective other than creepy." said Prentiss

"I would maybe use the word horrific." Garcia replied

"Garcia, were you able to trace the call?" asked Prentiss

"I'm working on it. Oh. It came from a cellphone. Owners name is Mark Teller."

"Last known address?" asked Rossi

"In Europe. This guy's been all over the map." Garcia replied

"Call Hotch, we need to have a press conference." Rossi said

"Got it!" Garcia hung up

"We better get back," said Prentiss getting in the veichle.

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