~Chapter 6~

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"We have identified the UNSUB as Mark Teller. White male, in his mid to late forties, with black hair. He is around 6 feet tall, and has scars and tatoos up and down his arms." saod Morgan to a large group of local officers and his fellow profilers

Hotch burst in the room. "We have just received a photo of Mark and information on his whearabouts."

"Hotch, you okay?" whispered Reid

"Later," hissed Hotch. He slapped the picture of Mark on the table "That's him. He's also working with an acomplice. They're killing too. We've found his finger prints on murder weapons of young girls, that are similar in characteristics to Erica."

"Hotch," JJ warned

He nodded in agreement. He needed to calm down.

"Are they prepping to kill Erica?" asked an officer

"We assume so," replied Hotch

"We will have every squad out tonight, and we will get a message out to have young woman to stay in their homes and not be alone." JJ said

"That's all for now," said Morgan.

Officers got up and left. Some manned telephones, others, got in cruisers and started patroling the town.

"Hotch, are you okay?" asked Morgan

"No, Morgan. I don't think I am." Hotch sat

"What's up?" asked Prentiss

"I just feel, responsable. Like Erica is one of the team. She will become an FBI agent one day,"

"She will, but there's no reason to feel responsable." said JJ

"You're right. We should get working." said Hotch standing

After a minute of pure silence, a phone rang.

"Oh god," Prentiss jumped

"I got it," said Rossi, asnwering the phone

"Hello?" asked a female voice from the other end. She sounded scared, and sick

"Hello, this is SSA Agent Rossi. Who is this?" asked Rossi

"SSA? It's Erica. I have to hurry, he should be home soon."

"Erica? Where are you? Are you okay?" asked Rossi, his fellow profilers forming a crowd around him.

"I don't know the exact address. I'm fine as of right now, but I know I've been poisoned. Mark's killing you know. He's killing girls like me. It's also Dalla. They seem to be madly in love. She threatens me. They both also call me Carly. Mark's daughter, Carly? She died in a car accident 3 years ago. I used to be friends with her. He must be grieving. I think Dalla's been experiencing post tramatic stress disorder. She has these moments. Probably a former soldier. Last name? They're married, so see if she took up his last name. Oh, and I guarentee that they're serial killers. Killed more than that magic number of 3, each. The bodies? You must've found them by now." she paused "Agent Rossi?"

"Yes?" asked Rossi

"I need you to do something for me. I have a brother. Older than me, but he left a long time ago. Around when my father died. He lives in Austin, local police officer. I need you to tell him I'm alright."

"I will, I promise. But Erica, you have to promise me something in return. You have to promise me that you will hang in there. You have a whole life ahead of you." Rossi told Erica

"I will. I promise. I have to go now, he's going to be home shortly. I'll try calling later tonight." Erica hung up.

"What was that all about?" asked Morgan

"That, was Erica." replied Rossi

"Is she okay?" asked Reid

"As of right now, yes. I need to make a phone call," Rossi said.

"Call Garcia, get her to trace that phone call." Hotch addressed Morgan

"Also, look for a Dalla Teller, or someone who has recently been married to Mark." said Rossi just before he left the room.

Morgan grabbed out his phone

"Speak and be heard," Garcia's voice rang

"I need two things, one I need you to trace all calls coming in to the police station."

"Done, aaaannnnnnddd, done!" she dragged out the word and.

"And I need information on a Dalla Teller," Morgan said

"One moment," Garcia's quick typing seemed faster than ever, "Zilch my friend,"

"Anyone who's recently married to a Mark Teller?"

"Oh! There is a Dallianne Teller, married to our Mark Teller." Garcia replied

"Last known address?" asked Morgan

"624 Farway Lane!"

"We have an address," Morgan said to Hotch, "Thanks baby girl,"

"No problem-o!" Garcia hung up

"624 Farway Lane!" Morgan said, as everybody started putting on gear, and readying their weapons.

"You think this is it?" asked Morgan to Hotch


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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