Chapter 79

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Raven and I discuss technology and possibilities for an hour or so. We only stop when we hear shouting from outside. I guess Lexa was right, fights are breaking out.

I turn to Raven. "Shall we take this outside?"

"Yeah." She gathers up her pages of notes and some extra paper. "Idiots. Alright, let's go."

We head down the ladder and I help Raven by putting her papers in my bag so it's easier for her to come down. Artigas and I go down first, with Raven following soon after. I have to admit, it's impressive how quickly she can move on the ladder with her leg brace.

Artigas goes outside to make sure it's safe before coming back in. He holds the curtains open for us and we thank him as we walk outside.

The first thing I see is a ring of kids surrounding something. They're cheering on the people who are fighting. Raven and I exchange a look before pushing our way through the crowd. Once people realize who we are, they move out of our way with nervous expressions on their faces.

We reach the inside of the ring and I scowl at the two boys who are rolling around on the ground trying to beat the snot out of each other. The crowd is now silent but doesn't disperse. I see a couple people squirm uncomfortably under my disapproving gaze.

I walk forward and nudge one of the guys with my foot. He's successfully knocked the other one into a daze. He looks up at me and I don't see a hint of recognition in his eyes. I gesture for Raven to step back. I don't want her getting hurt because this idiot is running on testosterone and adrenaline.

He leaps up and immediately throws a punch at me. He's laughably sloppy and I dodge easily, which makes his face screw up in anger. I won't hurt him unless he keeps being stupid and trying to fight me.

He keeps throwing punches and resorts to trying to kick me. He fails every time and gets more pissed off with each attack. Eventually, he throws a punch that's so bad he stumbles toward the edge of the crowd. Realizing how dangerous that is while he's in that state of mind, I grab the closest arm he has to me and yank it backwards.

He falls on his butt and howls in pain, his hand going up to hold onto his shoulder. He looks up at me and it becomes evident to me that while he might be of a clearer mind right now, he wants to kill me now.

Before anything else happens, Raven kicks him directly in the face. She then hits him in the head with her brace, knocking him out.

Raven and I both take an arm of his and haul him to the dropship, putting him on one of the cots. I'll check him to make sure he's okay, but I'm not too worried. I won't be giving him anything for the pain, though. He lost that right when he attacked me.

We go back outside to help the other guy into the drop ship, only to find that Artigas is carrying him inside. By carrying, I mean he's actually carrying him in his arms like the kid is a baby instead of a 100+ pound kid. I didn't know Artigas is that strong.

He sets the guy into another cot and I check him over first. He got knocked around pretty badly, and he'll have a nasty headache for a while but he should be fine.

I check the guy who attacked me and fight the urge to smile when I notice he has a broken rib or two. That hurts a lot, he's going to have a rough time. Plus I have no doubt Bellamy is going to yell at him until he cries when he learns what this guy did.

Raven and I sit outside on the ramp into the drop ship, discussing technology and what to do from here. A few more fights break out over the course of the day, and it's always been a kid from the hundred fighting another kid from the hundred. That reminds me, I'll have to talk to Lexa, Raven, and Bellamy later about giving them a better name. Calling them the hundred is confusing.

But then, an hour before the sun sets, a kid starts insulting a Grounder, who takes it for a while. Raven and I stepped in no less than five times to stop him from saying things like that. Apparently it doesn't work because they end up fighting. This isn't good for the kid because the person he's up against is a warrior who volunteered to be here and help build. She's a rather large woman with big muscles, even for a Grounder.

Of course, the kid is the one who throws the first punch. I stand when I realize what's happening. The metal attached to his belt... Float me, he has a knife! I know for a fact that Raven and Bellamy didn't say he could have one.

I rush over and see that the kid has pulled out his make-shift dagger and is spinning it cockily. The woman pulls out her weapon, which is an impressively huge broadsword. The guy pales as she brings the sword down at an angle that would cut him right in half.

I step in front of him and bring my swords up to block the attack. The impact rattles my bones with its intensity and as soon as the warrior realizes who I am, her eyes widen.

"Moba (sorry)." She apologizes.

"We will talk later after we get back to TonDC. Lexa will probably want to talk to you as well." I hear the familiar sound of a dagger moving through the air and turn around.

Are all of the hundred idiots that want to get themselves killed? Because he's trying to stab me when I'm the person who just saved him. I easily knock the knife out of his hands with my swords and press one blade to his neck to get him to stop attacking.

Ooh, a kind of cliff hanger! Lexa's going to be so mad at these dumbasses for attacking Clarke... And then there's Quint too! Man, Clarke's just been having bad luck with fights. But hey, she still got laid last night! Thank you for reading and go your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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