Chapter Five

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After yesterday's events had transpired, Liam had immediately went home, not feeling sorry at all for what he had done, but rather energetic as if he went through an adrenaline rush. At home, he had tried to contain his emotions, as Paul was still pretty bummed out about his store. He didn't know whether an inspection was going to take place this week, so Paul was stressed to say the least.

Liam had said nothing about the matter. As for what he did to the judge's house, Liam didn't intend on telling anyone about it. Liam didn't feel one ounce of regret nor did he feel scared about getting detained again by the police. That was the last thing on his mind to be frank.

Right now, Liam was strolling through the street market, just wanting to look at the stuff that was on display. His good mood from yesterday had not yet diminished. He was even humming while looking at some paintings.

After Liam had finished looking around and buying a mango on a stick, he started walking back to his flat. A man who was standing on the sidewalk, holding balloons, held out a purple star balloon for Liam to take, which he happily did, and thanked the man, giving him a bright smile. Liam continued walking, and eating his mango until he reached the end of the street where he waited for the cars to stop crossing.

What he didn't know was that there was a black Mercedes parked on the side of the street, directly next to Liam, with the owner leaning against the other side of the car... on the lookout for Liam himself. 

As soon as the light turned green, Liam began crossing the street, until an arm shot out to roughly grab Liam's arm, turning him to face the person. Out of surprise, Liam accidentally released the balloon, as he tried to maintain his balance.

"You're not going to escape this time," a familiar voice said sternly.

Liam had a look of shock on his face upon realizing who had grabbed him. Harry Styles. Liam tried to ignore the fact that Harry's touch was making his brain reel.

Coming back to his senses, Liam's face turned to anger as he yanked his arm from Harry's grasp.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" He snapped, not caring how rude he sounded.

"You should've asked yourself that yesterday when you destroyed Judge Flack's windows!" Harry retorted.

Oh shit, Liam thought.

"So?" Liam grumbled.

"What do you mean 'so'? You trespassed and vandalized his property, Liam! That's a felony that could land you in prison for ten years!"

"Bullshit! I only broke his windows, he could easily pay to fix 'em!"

"The laws still apply, Liam! That's why I came here to look for you--"

"Hang on, you came just to look for me? How'd you even find out where I live?!" Liam interrupted, feeling suspicious.

"We have records of you Liam. You seriously didn't think you were gonna away with what you've done, did you?" Harry replied.

Liam stared at Harry, saying nothing.

Harry continued, "Listen Liam, when the judge contacted me to report this, I couldn't believe it myself that you would do something so stupid like that, because I never took you to be that kind of person," Harry ran a hand through his hair, "So then the judge started raving that he was going to lock you up, and lucky for you, I requested to get you myself because I for one still truly believe that you are a good person who wouldn't normally do stuff like what you've done. If you come with me to the station, I might be able to convince the judge to work something out without having to put you in prison, but only if you cooperate."

He Doesn't Look A Thing Like Jesus (Lirry Stayne AU)Where stories live. Discover now