Chapter 1

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Hey guys here's the first chapter 😀😀😀😀

I look around at this foreign school. Kids run in the hallway to meet with there friends and join in conversation.

I stare at them dumbfounded on what to do. I look at the schedule that I recently received in the mail.

locker 325

I look around at i saw locker 322. A nerdy boy that had sliked back brown hair with glasses and was kinda cute was there.

Then I look at locker 323. A cute guy with long hair  and a good sence of style was there. They both looked alike.

Then locker 324. A guy with short curls, lots of tattoos, and a smirk plasterd in his face was standing there.

I had a strong feeling they all were related.

I look next to the smirking boy to find my locker.

(one good thing you should know about me before I continue with this is I give zero fucks. If you  mess with me, no matter how short I may be, I will hurt you. But I'm actualy am a weak person. but I will try. -Dorothy)

I walk up to my locker and put in the combination I was given.

That's when I heard the voice that will get me in deep trouble.

"Oh hey shorty, your in my space." Oh he did not just call me short.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I say turning to this fool.

"Oh me?" He said pointing to himself and chuckled "I believed I called you short." He laughs

"And what might your name be?" I ask gritting my teeth

"Harry, wouldn't you like to know." Harry winks

"Oh, Harry. Don't call me short, or I will..." I try to say but he inturepts me

"You will what? Kick me with those tiny legs of yours. don't get me wrong, there nice legs. But could you really do any harm to me? shorty." This dick says.

I can't actualy hurt him until he hits first cause I will get in trouble at home. But I really want to punch him. I decided to kick him in his knees as hard as my body could.

He leans down at my level and says "Your gonna regret that." 

He then turns and walks away. 

"Coward." I say loud enough for him to hear

I might of struck a nerve cause he then turns around quickly as light and walks up to me. Him useing his hight to tower over me.

"Fuck you bitch." He then hits my face. Not real hard. But still enough to hurt like hell.

I went in my tippy toes and tried my best to punch him hard in the face.

He just laughs and is about to punch me but someone holds him back.

I try to leap on him but someone also holds me back.

"Let me go." I tell them

They let me go and I turn around. A nerd version of the douche is standing there.

I look back at Harry. "You call me short so I call you a coward." I state

I then get all my stuff and leave. Leaveing the student body staring at me. Good, they should know I don't take crap from anyone.

So That is the first chapter. vote and there will be more

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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